by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Kolfronia wrote:KCNC
Massive riots erupt in Talinn! Military Deserters take to the streets!

The city of Talinn, the glorious capital of Kolfronia, is under siege from 10,000 criminals, protesting the recent vote to abolish the legislative branch of government. Among them is the traitorous Evald Raud. Who has been apprehended by Kolfronian police. Raud has stated that he was horrified by the lack support for fundamental principles such as democracy, a flawed concept, that has been proven time and time again to not yield results or benefit society. General Valdur Opik has seized control of the city and the executive mansion. He has stated that he has the full support of the military, and will do whatever he can to enforce any new policies that he and his administration will create.
Around 300 criminals have been apprehended and publicly executed. Opik, who has named himself supreme chancellor, said that he will make an example of those who "disturb the peace of our fatherland." He has organized the traitor Raud's execution, which will take place next week.

Federal Intelligence Service

Erayii elements have been given the go head to keep a watchful eye on the ever deteriorating situation within our neighbor to the north. As General Opik and his followers form a authoritarian regime out of a formerly democratic nation, it's expected that many will come out to combat this new change.

And as such, the situation is expected to further deteriorate, Agents have been placed on high alert for possible insertion should Command permit as well as armed Grenztruppen alongside our shared borders.

His Imperial Majesty has been brief and will be kept up to date on any further information we receive.

Heil Das Reich Heil Der Kaiser
Senior Agent,
