by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Cuppsville Chronicle
Governor Chastain Infuriates Congress w/ Executive Action

Governor Chastain signed a tariff order this morning, known simply as "Order 09.07.19.X01." This would place a 7.5% import tax on automobiles, automobile parts for all non-commercial vehicle. A member from one of the poorest districts of Quyelle stated "the people in my district struggle to get by, a tax hike will only hurt them! Taxes like this are theft, and Governor Chastain is the thief. We need to hold his feet to the fire and make him do the right thing!"

While automotive manufacturing has expanded in Quyelle, the industrial output nowhere matches the annual demand for automotive products. The country relies on imports for nearly 70% of its automotive needs. Such a tax is said to slow economic development by as much as 1% in the coming year. Most importantly, this tax will hurt poorer citizens abilities, who can't afford to live in urban areas, to get to and from work. The public sector may need to fill in the gap with expanded mass transit programs.
