by Max Barry

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Region: Official European Union

Greater ottonna

Hondura wrote:“What sets us apart from our enemy is how we treat them, while the fascists in new Herdon or Ottonna will massacre those who oppose them, we focus on showing our opposition the light, showing them how to progress socialism. That’s what makes us different, and that’s why we’ll win, we fight for the people, not for some corporate lobbyists.”
-Premier Vyecheslav Meketav

"Don't ever compare us to your government who openly kills anyone that disobeys or contradict the principles of your socialist system and taking their inalienable rights to live on their own ways. Is that how you fight for the people of Hondura? Democracy is not perfect but we will not intervene to the livelihood of our citizens. There's a difference between a group of Productive Free Thinking people who prospers as opposed to those who "collectively controlled" by the brutal communist state" - Prime Minister Sir Oliver Kirkland

Hondura and New herdon
