by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity


Infiny wrote:-snip-

Danubian Chancellor, Sara Silvasi has praised this move by the Infinian Government, with herself being born to an Infinian Citizen (her mother immigrating to Transylvania/Siebenbürgen a few years before she was born). She has announced moves to extend this offer to allow Infinian Citizens to travel to the United Empires under similar conditions and is planning to extend this in the future with her promised reforms of Danubian Immigration Policy

Da qing empire wrote:-snip-

Vice Chancellor and Democratic Party Leader, Tomáš Kuchár, lead a ceremony in the City of Spalato in Dalmatia today where he formally announced the induction of the 15 Kilo-Class submarines which were generously donated to us by our friends in the Northern Chinese Empire. Following this, he formally announced the formation of the new dedicated Donauufer Marine (Danubian Navy) as part of his plan for extensive reform and modernization of our outdated military sector in order to better safeguard the nation at home and abroad.

Infiny and Da qing empire
