by Max Barry

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Region: Union of Nationalists

The Kuomintang wrote:So Sanders missed his last shot at presidency, unless he tries again in 2024 at the ripe age of 83.
Let's see if "Sleepy" Joe Biden has it in him to corral the Democrats this time around.

Honestly, he has the Establishment Democrats like Obama falling over themselves to endorse him and make sure he gets some votes.

Yet they have dug their graves by insulting people who backed other candidates like Sanders, Yang, Klobuchar.

Say what you will about those candidates having bad ideas or being wrong or whatever, but from a politically strategic standpoint (and yes I am an armchair political analyst obviously but I wonder if this idea has any merit), would it not have been wiser for the Democratic party to have focused on policies instead of mudslinging, perhaps even emphasizing the ideas that Biden will absorb into his stated platform (since the voting bloc for the Democrats seem to slightly care about such things, at least the younger crowd)?

Instead of just saying "oh they'll never win." Or something about how one is a socialist and the other worked in Silicon Valley so obviously they can't appeal to voters the way Biden can?

If they held off on the mudslinging, could they have had a much less frustrated electorate? I guess we are going to see in November, but one wonders whether the Democrats could have had a more unified electorate had they acted differently.

The Kuomintang and Fascist north
