by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Novaya rossiyskaya imperiya

          ~~ Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности (КГБ) ~~

Moscow — The Lubyanka, the KGB's headquarters, have ordered a synchronized effort to aid our comrades in Donau-bundesreich in the coming referendums in the country. The KGB will focus on the regions where polls give a close call or a slight victory to either side. More specifically they will focus in Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovenia. The operation will be divided into two: On the one hand the KGB will help the Communists with the campaigning and the mobilization of volunteers to spread the word. This will include explaining the Communist platform and the advances that the faction have made towards improving the standards of living in the areas they control. On the other hand, the KGB will also significantly expand the social media efforts it began during the height of the civil war to continue to drive the communist message and to point out the destructive nature of the Union-, ISA-backed factions. This campaign will use social media bots to spread the word online. They will show the horrors of war done by the Republicans and the Union forces, not only in Danubia but also in Qing and will generate the message that voting for the Republicans would be like voting for constant, never-ending wars.

Donau-bundesreich, Central America Federation, and Southeastern asia
