by Max Barry

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Region: the Pacific

Cohuila Y Tejas wrote:P1000 ratte times 4?

No, I mean the weight and size of a full battleship, if not bigger. But I’ll wait for this.

The Pacific Ring wrote:As in taking one of my Stonehenge cannons and putting it on a chassis big?

Somewhere around that, yes.

Wubdich wrote:Yet again, how would it move in different terrains?

It can't cross bridges, and therefore flops with wide rivers.
Sand in deserts can kill threads. Same with snow and ice, after a certain amount of time.
And steep hills can make it go stuck at some point.

It wouldn’t need to move much. The cannon would have such a ridiculously long range that the only moving it would do would be to move troops. The real idea-killer is how to transport it between continents.
