by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Sanders Construction to help finish and restore Sázava Monastery

Robert Sanders, CEO of Sanders Construction Inc. has announced that the firm will help in the full restoration of Sázava Monastery in Donau-bundesreich and also finish the three level nave that has sat incomplete since the Middle Ages. Sanders, who has a love of gothic architecture and has managed to obtain old drawings of the building and hopes to finish the nave in a timely fashion while remaining true to the designs according to the old blueprint. Also announced would be a full scale rebuild and restoration of Pirkstein Castle in Rataje nad Sázavou and he hopes this allow the castle to be sued as a museum once more. he has offered his service to the Danubian Government to help rebuild and restore buildings of historical significance and is more than happy to use his own funds to buy what is needed.

Central America Federation and Albus taradrus
