by Max Barry

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Region: The Region That Has No Big Banks

Aya democratic republic wrote:I’m Gonna Admit It This Region Is A Mess, Not A Big One, But A Mess. Nations Are CTE, High Ranking Officials Are CTE, The Census Results Are Over A Month Late, If A High Ranking Official Isn’t CTE There Not Close From Doing So, The Regional Forum Is Dead Except For Me, Etc. 😔

I'm going to do another speech again. So what if your the only thingy left? So what if Yodle isn't going on guys? We'll keep our heads high and say our prayers if this is the end, coz it isn't. We will never give up, and if you give up, it's your loss. We will fight as a nation. You know why? Because we have something a lot of rogue nations don't have. We have friendship. We will fight as one and Yodle will live to see another day. And if he doesn't, we won't let us die. We will stay a group and fight on this game till the end of our days. We can replace the old and help the new. And although that sounds mean, that's just life. If you walk out now, think of what you've done, not to yourself, but for others. Yodle was here before any of us, so we will respect him as a father/ mother. And we will fight till theres none of our enemies left. We will stay a pack, school, group, herd and many others. WHO'S WITH MEH?

The hif tribe and Lemona
