by Max Barry

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Region: Democratic Socialist Assembly

Hello DSGay

October is approaching. Besides being the month of spooks, it is also LGBTQ+ History Month. In June, which was Pride Month, I posted mini-histories of LGBTQ+ history and culture. I wish to do the same for October.

Now, idk if I will have the time to post every day like I did in June, but that’s where you can come in. Do you have a history about the LGBTQ+ community you wish to share? DM me it and help teach the region about the rich history we have. Can be a paragraph or two, could be a whole page.

Below is a google doc of all the posts I made for June just so you all know what I talked about and how I talk about it.

Liossalde, An tir glas, Kathina dakani, Mon silanies, and 1 otherBhexa
