by Max Barry

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Region: The Wolf Clan

Gothic vandelia

Interesting, a huge storm is hitting US at the moment but the several newspapers I checked out are more interested in Kanye going number 1 on one of his Grammys.

The worst thing is that the political spectrum doesn't matter. This can only mean 1 of 2 things: Either are the editors morons or the readers are and want the focus on that. Or maybe the readers like the moronic stuff so the news sites have been hiring morons to make people happy.

I find the whole thing worrying, are people actually getting dumber? I blame Zuckerberg, before Facebook the storm would have been the top news all over the western world.

I fear that the 2024 election will be between Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler if things continue like this...

Social media have done a pretty good job ignoring people with any actual knowledge, 20 years ago they would at least interview people with qualifications even if they tried to manipulate the questions to get their own points.
Now they interview celebrities... Hmm, maybe Bono is involved too. They did use him as an expert for a lot of things far earlier then anyone else without real qualifications.

My point is that I get sad when both conservative and liberal "experts" know less about the issue the news interview them on then me. And boy is reading FOX and CNN making me sad now, they are more clickbait then news. And I can tell you that the Swedish news sites are the same. We have this former police chief who wrote some bad books who they know ask about politics, economy and I don't know what. Fine, he knows crime so there you could consider him an expert there but just because you know 1 thing doesn't mean you know something different.

And world politics are moving the same way, politicians seems to be moving towards talking clickbaits.

Sigh, I am getting more cynical then usual. What do you guys think, have social media made people dumber? And no, it is not a generation thing, boomers and zoomers both seems to be affected.

Alpha wolf, Ephiny, and The united federation of amestris
