by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

The hellenes league

Ministry of War
Notice to Donau-bundesreich, Novaya rossiyskaya imperiya

Roughly 1 hour ago the Hellenic Air Force struck ground targets between Pavel & Beltsov in North Bulgaria. We are sending you this notice as we are allies, and you are also nations close to the area.

The ground targets consisted of camps that operate as supply & munition depots and training grounds for members of the Last Battalion, a group who claimed responsibility for the car bomb in Tirana earlier today.

We acted on intelligence and the camps are now destroyed with a suspected 30 members of the Last Battalion group killed.

The North Bulgarian government has been informed of the attack, to which they dissent. Diplomatic avenues are being taken to cool relations between the North Bulgarian government and the Hellenic Government.

We will provide updates as needed.
