by Max Barry

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Region: Forest

The most serene republicans

Middle Barael wrote:AHEM. Well then clearly you are not patriotic enough, and so therefore I demand *glances at my notes* ahem RECOMMEND that you become an ambassador, to help serve our forest of Forest.”[/i]

Oh don't you worry, I'm just choosing the region, forest will have a new ambassador very soon.


I've decided that, in order to limit the amount of brainpower I dedicate to this game, I will hold elections for Sereníssima here on the RMB every three months and I'll respond to the issues based on the ideology of whichever party wins. And who vote? You vote. You no need vote, but I thank you if vote.

These elections are not necessarily happening in-lore, because MSRan government works, at least nominally, in a council-based, almost soviet-like form of democracy, without exactly a president or prime minister. Instead, you're voting for what party will hold the majority in the councils nation-wide.

However, just so this main election starts with a bang, the main issue being debated throughout Sereníssima today is: Should The Most Serene Republic straight up ditch capitalism and go back to the eco-socialist system it had before the 90s? Let the people decide*
*the people are actually a random collection of forgein nations

And, if you decide to vote (thank you), here's a short guide so you make an informed decision:
Voting ends at some point tomorrow
