by Max Barry

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Region: United Empire of Islam

Al asad caliphate wrote:I'd somewhat understand. But in that instance, would you say it is acceptable to aid a lesser evil?
Like in America, we have a binary political system. Both promote anti-religious values, how should make our voices heard if we cannot adequately choose between the two?

While there are some in religious communities who tend to abstain from politics, the majority do engage in some form of civic participation. I don't like to think of our choices as the lesser of two evils. Instead, we recognize the constraints of the paradigms in which we exist and function and work to protect our rights and the rights of our fellow citizens to the best of our ability within that system. We recognize the rights of people as broadly falling into the categories of life, religion, property, intellect, and dignity. When we engage politically, we consider if our vote is in favor of protecting these rights.
