by Max Barry

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Region: Union of Christian Nations

Protestant Pope wrote:Outrage and concern are natural human reactions. Would you not feel the emotion of anger or outrage if something were to happen to someone in your family by the hands of someone else's sin? Would you not feel concern for a family member whom is falling to sin?

I would argue that these emotions come from the fact we are created in the image of God. God loves us and part of loving someone is to example be concerned about them if something harms them or their wellbeing and like mentioned in Revelation 22:11 you mentioned, let "the righteous still do right". Part of beinf righteous is to feel concern and outrage at appropriate times and than do something about the situation. Was it not morally right for those to see the horrors of the Nazi regime and decide to do something about it and join the war effort? It isn't weakness that's for sure.

I agree. If there is no sense of shock and disapproval in anything, there is no differentiation between good and evil.
