by Max Barry

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«12. . .596061626364»

Erzähl uns was über deine Nation, falls du magst.

Deine Nation wurde wie viele andere Nationen während irgendeines raids aus Europe rausgeworfen. Das Problem ist behoben, und es ist auch möglich, sie in Ruhe wieder in deiner vorigen Region zu haben; oder sie hier zu lassen, wie du magst.

im grunde deutschland aber judisch, obwohl ich moochte wissen wer ist die German Social Democracy

Einer dr wenigen Vorteile der Konsum- und Überflußgesellschaft : Faschingskrapfen wird es auch morgen und das übrige Jahr geben, muahahaha

Ja, hier im Süden liegt die Fasnet vielen am Herzen, es hat nicht nur den Kindern Spaß gemacht, sondern auch viele Erwachsenen fahren total darauf ab.

Germanyia wrote:Ich kriege bald meine erste Ausbildung als Elektrotechniker

Dazu fällt mir noch ein, vielleicht könnte es Spaß machen, auf dem RMB ein paar Erinnerungen zu sammeln: Was war wichtig, als ich meine erste Arbeit begann? Ob der Weg aus der Schule ins Arbeitsleben lange zurückliegt oder gerade erst angefangen hat, vielleicht habt ihr alle praktische Hinweise, an was es sich zu denken lohnt?

Jabberwocky wrote:How often do you play Nation States? Answer our new poll!

Oh Jabberwock, I have a confession: Apparently, I don't log into Ba-Wü often enough to even answer this poll! ... oh well...

Wenn es Anliegen in der Region gibt, um die wir uns kümmern sollen, schreibt uns wie immer gerne eine Notiz aufs RMB oder telegrafiert uns! Die Administration unserer Region Deutschland ist anscheinend langsam, aber doch zuverlässig.

Wieder zurück aus dem Spiel in die Realität: Gestern habe ich eine kleine Radtour gemacht. Das ist für Februar auch eher ungewöhnlich. Es wird wärmer, das merkt man deutlich.

Auf den Demos gegen die Rechtsextremisten war ich bereits, viele Freunde von mir, und meine Familienangehörigen von jung bis zu den über 80-jährigen. Wir werden auch noch mal hingehen. Hier noch mal der Link beim DGB mit Terminen der nächsten Demos, sortiert nach Bundesländern.
Demoübersicht bei Demokrateam: hier findet ihr auch Demos in vielen kleineren Städten und Orten. Lässt sich auch nach Bundesländern und Orten filtern
Der Rechercheartikel und aktuelle Nachrichten zu diesem Thema bei Correctiv
In English
The Correctiv news article that kicked off the mass demonstrations in Germany translated into English
Article about the mass demonstrations in Germany against the right-wing extremists in English

Wünsche euch allen alles Gute, Gesundheit und Ausgeglichenheit.

If anyone is interested, we're running a Werewolf game on our forums. You can sign up until Feb. 26. We already have nine participants, with room for more.
To join our forums, go here:

Wäre es möglich das wir unsere eigene N-Day Gruppe machen?

Ja, wenn du gerne möchtest, mach ich dir eine. Wie soll sie heißen?

Du musst dich nur darauf einstellen, dass dieses Grüppchen wahrscheinlich in der Kellerliga spielt. Kann ja auch Spaß machen. Vielleicht wäre ein selbstironischer Name passend?

Baden-Wuerttemberg wrote:Ja, wenn du gerne möchtest, mach ich dir eine. Wie soll sie heißen?

Du musst dich nur darauf einstellen, dass dieses Grüppchen wahrscheinlich in der Kellerliga spielt. Kann ja auch Spaß machen. Vielleicht wäre ein selbstironischer Name passend?

Meine Idee wäre "Association of German Nuclear Powers" in Deutsch "Bund der Deutschen Nuklearmächte".

Deutscher Bund wäre auch möglich, Ich habe nicht so viele Ideen.

Schönes Wochenende noch!

Gleichfalls schönes Wochenende!

Haha, oder wie wärs mit "Atomkrieg Nein Danke!" ?

Baden-Wuerttemberg wrote:Gleichfalls schönes Wochenende!

Haha, oder wie wärs mit "Atomkrieg Nein Danke!" ?

Klingt gut! Na dann haben wir den passenden Namen gefunden.

Ist gebongt. Schreib aufs RMB, wenn du irgendwelche Allianzen mit anderen Factions oder sonstwas veröffentlichen möchtest.


Atomkrieg Nein Danke ist die runde Nr. 500 geworden. Wer mit Germaniya mitspielen möchte, kann auf den Link gehen und auf "Join Faction" klicken.

P.S. Sollten bis zum Beginn des Extraspiels keine weiteren Nationen hinzukommen, kannst du natürlich auch kurzfristig diese Faction verlassen und dich z.B. bei den unter unseren Botschaften verlinkten Regionen umschauen.

Ich habe einige shields produziert und sie an die gemeinsame shield bank gespendet. Damit kommen sie allen zugute.

Jetzt gehe ich aber schlafen, bin müde!

Ich werde nur auf Schielde produzieren und shield banks spenden.

Wer möchte, kann auch Nuke produzieren. Ich habe 1 produziert.

Guten Morgen! Dann haben wir auf jeden Fall mal ausprobiert, wie das aufgebaut ist. Es ist vom Zeitpunkt ganz ähnlich wie bei den Zombies zu Halloween: der Zeitpunkt der Minispiele ist nicht besonders geeignet für die mitteleuropäische Zeitzone... Wenn ich wählen soll zwischen stundenlangen Mausklicks und angenehmen 8 Stunden Schlaf, wähle ich das angenehme Schlafen. :D Obwohl, wenn ich's bedenke: Wenn ich wählen soll zwischen stundenlangen Mausklicks und X, wähle ich wohl meistens X.
Genießt den sonnigen Tag!

Zweites deutschland



Was sind eure Eindrücke und worauf hättet ihr nächstes Mal Lust: Wieder eine regionseigene, ziemlich chancenlose Minifaction? Oder gibt es eine andere Faction, in die ihr gerne dazugehen würdet? z.B. Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force oder irgendeine andere?

Traditionell gibt's am 1. April auch irgendwas außer der Reihe, schaut also mal in einem Monat, ob euch das 2024 gebotene Extraspiel interessiert.

Zweites deutschland

Zweites deutschland

Also ich habe keine Ahnung. Ich kenne mich da nicht gut aus.

Was ist denn hier passiert? Einmal zwei Tage nicht online gewesen und es gab einen "netten" Raid?

Egal, mach dir nichts draus.

Hello chat

Deutschland Uber Ållen


when I first tried out NationStates many years ago, I thought this might be a good website for casual fiction writing and for exchanges between people from different cultures. Nowadays, I'm much more doubtful about its capacity to support either of those things. The website seems to favour the approach of "generate clicks, text, resolutions etc. by having users anger each other" – euphemistically veiled as "controversies and antagonism generate activity on the website"; not unlike the big social media websites, really. Nonetheless, I'm not interested in anger. So instead, can I offer some intercultural information (from the real world)?

The quote you are alluding to is from the first stanza of a song written by Hoffmann von Fallersleben in 1841. Nowadays, the song's third stanza is the national anthem in the real country Germany: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit… in English: Unity and justice and freedom… The first stanza is not used any more in civilized society; not because of the sense the poet gave it in the 19th century, but because of how it was used later in our history. So, we very much avoid the first stanza.

It's certainly confusing that from the same old song, the first stanza is shunned, whereas the third stanza is a national anthem. It might be easier to create a new national anthem from scratch at some point in the future! But at present, we are stuck with this third stanza anthem, and thus also stuck with the occasional confusion. You aren't the first person who confuses these stanzas, and won't be the last. If you'd like to read about the old song and its history, you can find more information here:

In Ukrainian

In English

In German (you can use online translators to get the gist)

On a different topic (here on the NationStates website): I've just glanced over the new RMB rules dispatch you have written. I'm glad that you have written this.
• You cannot insult someone based on nationality or gender. This is racism and you will be instantly blocked.
• No insults against LGBTQ people or people who have changed gender. This is gross homophobia.

The website allows far too much of this, at the expense of people whose human rights in the real world are in danger – see the first paragraph above, on the website courting anger under the pretext of "generating activity". It should entirely be a moderation matter. It shouldn't be our responsibility as ordinary users to deal with hateful content like that, but at present we have to moderate it.

The rules of RMB were created so that there would be no racism, homophobia, fascism,  and other things on RMB.

In order for every person to have equal rights, RMB rules are created, which must be followed by everyone, including NATO officers.

If you want to dispute the issue, contact Azov steel 2022 or Bookment 

• Please do not post 6 posts in a row for the current 10 minutes. You can post as many posts as you want up to 6 posts in 10 minutes. This is considered spam.

• You cannot insult someone based on nationality or gender. This is racism and you will be instantly blocked.

• No insults against LGBTQ people or people who have changed gender. This is gross homophobia.

• No sympathizers of fascism or sympathy for communism. You will be blocked forever without the right to review if you do not contradict the words about you.

• You are not allowed to support terrorist organizations or members who have committed mass murders or terrorist attacks.

• You can express your opinion against RO, negative or good it is your business, but no attempt to destroy the government.

• If you write an RP post, do not use real names of people or brands. You can use the name of a car or plane that exists in real life, but only not the names of people.

• If you were offended and deleted the post with confirmation, report it anonymously to the PO and if it happens again, the person will be warned or blocked.

• No alcohol propaganda in RMB. You can write anything about alcohol or low-alcohol products, but not their distribution or advertising.

• Recommend people to move to other regions. Never, do not do this because you will be blocked.

• You have freedom of speech and you can say whatever you want

Lockout warning level

🟢 - there are no warnings. You are very cool

🔵 - you have 1 warning, be a little more careful

🟡 - you have 3 warnings, be very careful not to get blocked and read the rules

🟠 - you have 5 warnings, please be careful and careful, please do not spam or offend anyone

🔴 - you have red level, you may be banned after 1 warning Please don't break our rules

Read dispatch

On a different topic (the real world): I read that the documentary 20 days in Mariupol just received an Oscar/Academy Award as best documentary feature film. I haven't seen it yet, but hopefully I can see it at some point.

What a long post, I really have to go to sleep now. Greetings from Germany.

Baden-Wuerttemberg wrote:Hello,

when I first tried out NationStates many years ago, I thought this might be a good website for casual fiction writing and for exchanges between people from different cultures. Nowadays, I'm much more doubtful about its capacity to support either of those things. The website seems to favour the approach of "generate clicks, text, resolutions etc. by having users anger each other" – euphemistically veiled as "controversies and antagonism generate activity on the website"; not unlike the big social media websites, really. Nonetheless, I'm not interested in anger. So instead, can I offer some intercultural information (from the real world)?

The quote you are alluding to is from the first stanza of a song written by Hoffmann von Fallersleben in 1841. Nowadays, the song's third stanza is the national anthem in the real country Germany: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit… in English: Unity and justice and freedom… The first stanza is not used any more in civilized society; not because of the sense the poet gave it in the 19th century, but because of how it was used later in our history. So, we very much avoid the first stanza.

It's certainly confusing that from the same old song, the first stanza is shunned, whereas the third stanza is a national anthem. It might be easier to create a new national anthem from scratch at some point in the future! But at present, we are stuck with this third stanza anthem, and thus also stuck with the occasional confusion. You aren't the first person who confuses these stanzas, and won't be the last. If you'd like to read about the old song and its history, you can find more information here:

In Ukrainian

In English

In German (you can use online translators to get the gist)

On a different topic (here on the NationStates website): I've just glanced over the new RMB rules dispatch you have written. I'm glad that you have written this.
• You cannot insult someone based on nationality or gender. This is racism and you will be instantly blocked.
• No insults against LGBTQ people or people who have changed gender. This is gross homophobia.

The website allows far too much of this, at the expense of people whose human rights in the real world are in danger – see the first paragraph above, on the website courting anger under the pretext of "generating activity". It should entirely be a moderation matter. It shouldn't be our responsibility as ordinary users to deal with hateful content like that, but at present we have to moderate it.

The rules of RMB were created so that there would be no racism, homophobia, fascism,  and other things on RMB.

In order for every person to have equal rights, RMB rules are created, which must be followed by everyone, including NATO officers.

If you want to dispute the issue, contact Azov steel 2022 or Bookment 

• Please do not post 6 posts in a row for the current 10 minutes. You can post as many posts as you want up to 6 posts in 10 minutes. This is considered spam.

• You cannot insult someone based on nationality or gender. This is racism and you will be instantly blocked.

• No insults against LGBTQ people or people who have changed gender. This is gross homophobia.

• No sympathizers of fascism or sympathy for communism. You will be blocked forever without the right to review if you do not contradict the words about you.

• You are not allowed to support terrorist organizations or members who have committed mass murders or terrorist attacks.

• You can express your opinion against RO, negative or good it is your business, but no attempt to destroy the government.

• If you write an RP post, do not use real names of people or brands. You can use the name of a car or plane that exists in real life, but only not the names of people.

• If you were offended and deleted the post with confirmation, report it anonymously to the PO and if it happens again, the person will be warned or blocked.

• No alcohol propaganda in RMB. You can write anything about alcohol or low-alcohol products, but not their distribution or advertising.

• Recommend people to move to other regions. Never, do not do this because you will be blocked.

• You have freedom of speech and you can say whatever you want

Lockout warning level

🟢 - there are no warnings. You are very cool

🔵 - you have 1 warning, be a little more careful

🟡 - you have 3 warnings, be very careful not to get blocked and read the rules

🟠 - you have 5 warnings, please be careful and careful, please do not spam or offend anyone

🔴 - you have red level, you may be banned after 1 warning Please don't break our rules

Read dispatch

On a different topic (the real world): I read that the documentary 20 days in Mariupol just received an Oscar/Academy Award as best documentary feature film. I haven't seen it yet, but hopefully I can see it at some point.

What a long post, I really have to go to sleep now. Greetings from Germany.

Thanks for rating our rules, we're glad you like it

Willkommen in Deutschland, Kalallisut Nunaat.

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