by Max Barry

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Kattenland wrote:All hail statistics, except for when it's about actual humans!

Philosophy seems better for actual humans. :)

An interesting idea. Are you advising that a general qualitative approach is mores suited to study human than quantitative?

Discuss, with reference to philosophy approaches.

To my mind, both are well adapted, and would be highly dependent on the question at hand. I don't actually have a preference, unless the preference is certain questions which would be geared towards a certain approach. One method would be useless to say study the incidence rate of human elder abuse in a care home setting (clearly this is quan), or the compliance rate of instruction of mask wearing rates (again quan) relative to say rationale of elder abuse from a perspective of 20-29 year olds (qual) or fear reposne to messaging on covid compliance (likely both qualitative and quan).

Some methods and philosophy underpinnings of this however is sadly missed. My heart drops when hard science freaks don't even understand their methods properly. They are great at the practical aspect of, fully understand their methods aims, use, operations whatever, but have no clue on the philosophy of it, never read a research book other than that 1 book they read to get through that one research module! And just go with their operational procedures, which may make a great project, but I fear we miss some of the broader science here. Anyway, rant over. I'm not going too deep into this myself yet, until there's debate. :)

Post self-deleted by -pariland-.

Public Education: First: Superior Intelligence top 0.2%. Second: Kingdom of Cambria top 0.4%. Third: Telgan top 0.7% … Middle: Emphand top 41% … Last: Anarchocapitalistan bottom 0% (78th from bottom in world)

In Writin, convicted conmen and fraudsters often leave prison to enter a career in politics.

In Space Coyote, critical thinking is grounds for expulsion from university.

In -pariland-, children are terrified that the 'flying police monster' will come to take them away in the night.

“When you're in the muck you can only see muck. If you somehow manage to float above it, you still see the muck but you see it from a different perspective. And you see other things too. That's the consolation of philosophy.”
― David Cronenberg

Telgan wrote:An interesting idea. Are you advising that a general qualitative approach is mores suited to study human than quantitative?

Discuss, with reference to philosophy approaches.

To my mind, both are well adapted, and would be highly dependent on the question at hand. I don't actually have a preference, unless the preference is certain questions which would be geared towards a certain approach. One method would be useless to say study the incidence rate of human elder abuse in a care home setting (clearly this is quan), or the compliance rate of instruction of mask wearing rates (again quan) relative to say rationale of elder abuse from a perspective of 20-29 year olds (qual) or fear reposne to messaging on covid compliance (likely both qualitative and quan).

Some methods and philosophy underpinnings of this however is sadly missed. My heart drops when hard science freaks don't even understand their methods properly. They are great at the practical aspect of, fully understand their methods aims, use, operations whatever, but have no clue on the philosophy of it, never read a research book other than that 1 book they read to get through that one research module! And just go with their operational procedures, which may make a great project, but I fear we miss some of the broader science here. Anyway, rant over. I'm not going too deep into this myself yet, until there's debate. :)

While, of course, neither is good for a dogmatic approach, yes, I would think that overall a qualitative approach to humans is better than a quantitative approach. Don't get me wrong in this one, quantitative research has given us wonderful things, medicine, for example, being a prime example of this.

Statistics, while being fantastic for opening our eyes to problems (for example the elderly abuse you mentioned: statistics would allow us to track it to combat the problem of elderly abuse) is fit mostly for confirming or testing something. Want to know how helpful a certain medicine is? Test away (with, of course, human rights taken into consideration)! However, for studying, for example, something immensely complex and subjective such as the mind it only gets us so far. Quantitative research can give us clues for how the brain works, and maybe how to influence the hormones that play an important part in emotion, but how far can it get us in solving a trauma history? While the pharmaceutical industry would, of course, certainly like to think so, drugs really cannot solve everything.

And, of course, as you said, a lack of understanding of methods is troubling as well. The 'why?' and the history is too often missed, and that can lead to some particularily sticky situations, even if we're leaving the ethics aside.

Also, take for example the Milgram Experiment. A clearly quantitative study ('this and that percentage of the participants did this and that'), but how much does this really say? While some may wish to connect it to the Holocaust, I'd personally say that the 'why did this happen?' is missing. How can you compare an experiment and an event from history without researching the why of both?

Overall, I'm mostly saying that quantitative research struggles with psychology beyond the scope of simple brain analysis. But, remember, the best research has both, even if it's just for ethics!

One would think that nudity would increase with extensive hygienic tatoo practices. ):

I hope to aspire to the level of cheekiness that Sunrise Trail has!

Hello, i was told by Telgani could talk here about the poll, since it is interesting topic.

I assume the poll is result of Russian Federation actions in Ukraine, which is not enough for such drastic actions like kicking the largest nations from SC permanent seat. Especially if it is proposed by the West, which had more incursions and interventions in the last few decades. Also, i must quote my friend from Chile, who said, jokingly, this is yet another white racist stuff, as no one lift a finger when POC go to war, like Tigray War, Myanmar CW, Sudan, CAR, but when Europeans go to war, then every media and company take actions accordingly(like news coverage, donations, accusations and verbal/moral support).

To me, Western response to crisis in Ukraine was emotional and not reasonable. This is not helpful and will not solve the problem as it doesnt offer solution. UN did condemn Russia, but only Western states put embargo on them. It is insane to try isolate the largest nation on earth, especially one with lots of resources.

I was westernized, once, really believed global interventions by the western governments is good, that it maintains global security, like trade routes open and terrorism undeground. But it is hard to deny all the evidence Eastern states have done, especially in the last decade, and compared to Western responses to that, im now leaning more towards Moscow-Beijing-Delhi axis.

About the UNSC, ideally, it is unecessary. UNGA is competent enough to make decisions. Problem is they dont have UN military, to enforce the law, thus making UN organization and by extension SC pointless. UN remains good forum though, where nations can connect and discuss, but that is where it ends, until proper UN military is implemented, which never will, as it goes against Westphalian Sovereignty.

This is why we need Balance of Power, same one that 'delusional and powerhungry' Putin is talking about for 20 years. It is the best alternative to UN military(security). Why wouldnt everyone be for multipolar world?! That would be illogical.


This, is, Volkisch Spartaaaa...lamenting the rejection of embassies with Philosophers.

All the same, we bid our well wishes to every practitioner of Philosophy and...if not at Thermopylae...then we shall see you all at Plataea!

I would contend that the Western World has ignored numerous wars elsewhere in recent times. We have had almost zero coverage on the most vile civil wars, such as the Tigray War (2020-2022) as one of the most under reported wars in recent times. It has been dubbed as the "forgotten conflict". Sadly hundreds of thousands had died, and have been misplaced. Politically, tides remain unstable.

The problem, as mentioned, when war happens closer to home, the reponse differs. Death rates between the Tigray War (widely reported at around 600,000 est upper) relative to the illegal war in Ukraine, reported at around 300,000, however estimates for both conflicts are almost impossible to count, we have a fair issue on which matter most? If human life is valued the same, why is relative weighting in coverage not the same?

I suppose the answer is power, and possible consequences leading from the mad Russian actions. One is a functional power and nation state, where the listed civil wars are already very fragile states with infighting, often as a legacy of colonisation and Western incompetence as an awful legacy. We, naturally, demand legal actions from functional states, which Russia purports to be. Without going to war (pointless action towards the goal of peace), poltical pressure must be applied, and that must include sanctions against immoral, unethical, and illegal state actions against another state. This is reasonable, and balanced, on the whole. I wouldn't fancy going to war otherwise, as WW3 isn't on my wish list.

Quite frankly, the sooner Putin is shot by his disgruntled subordinates, the safer the world we shall inherit. He is unhinged, and a total whack job. The war was, in particular an economic one, and a push towards a port country for Russian economic interests. Putin forgot, along the way, that the world would have to intervene (indirectly), and that the Ukraine people wouldn't stand for their country to act again as satellite nation at the whim of a mad man.

Although I am in favour of the UN, the SC gives me pause. We need closer economic utility acorss the globe. Removal of trade barriers, and further freedoms to move. However, for that to be actually achievable, a stive to remove global poverty is essential, and parity of social and economic rights must be achieved at a minimum standard. Right now, the fringe state of Russia and her polices stand in the way of that as an unfree, undemocratic, basket case under Putin's leadership. She's got to go! Now, sashay away, Putin.

Galaad I agree with most of your ideas, but not sure of "im now leaning more towards Moscow-Beijing-Delhi axis." Could you elaborate what it means?

I don't think such an axis exists. If there has to be a trio, the 3rd one is more likely to be Pyongyang rather than Dehli lol. Nor do I think such an axis would do good to the world peace or anything.

Trout Fishing: First: Ellaington top 2%. Second: Matou top 2%. Third: Democratic republic of east zambia top 3% … Middle: Pacific Northwest Territories bottom 48% … Last: Telgan bottom 1%

In Merquimordes, the tobacco industry has burnt out.

In New saxony, citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements.

Fan 4rt- recently hosted the least successful trade negotiations since The Phantom Menace.

“If you believed in Christianity or Islam it was called 'faith', but if you believed in astrology or friday the thirteenth it was Superstition!”
― Jostein Gaarder, Sophie’s World


Kattenland wrote:While, of course, neither is good for a dogmatic approach, yes, I would think that overall, a qualitative approach to humans is better than a quantitative approach. Don't get me wrong in this one. Quantitative research has given us wonderful things, medicine, for example, being a prime example of this.

Statistics, while being fantastic for opening our eyes to problems (for example the elderly abuse you mentioned: statistics would allow us to track it to combat the problem of elderly abuse) is fit mostly for confirming or testing something. Want to know how helpful a certain medicine is? Test away (with, of course, human rights taken into consideration)! However, for studying, for example, something immensely complex and subjective, such as the mind, it only gets us so far. Quantitative research can give us clues for how the brain works and maybe how to influence the hormones that play an important part in emotion, but how far can it get us in solving a trauma history? While the pharmaceutical industry would, of course, certainly like to think so, drugs really can not solve everything.

And, of course, as you said, a lack of understanding of methods is troubling as well. The 'why?' and the history is too often missed, and that can lead to some particularly sticky situations, even if we're leaving the ethics aside.

Also, take, for example, the Milgram Experiment. A clearly quantitative study ('this and that percentage of the participants did this and that'), but how much does this really say? While some may wish to connect it to the Holocaust, I'd personally say that the 'why did this happen?' is missing. How can you compare an experiment and an event from history without researching the why of both?

Overall, I'm mostly saying that quantitative research struggles with psychology beyond the scope of simple brain analysis. But, remember, the best research has both, even if it's just for ethics!

Thanks for the thoughtful reponse.

I would, however, contend as follows:

The types of analysis which lends itself to the general qualitative method, tends to be used as theory generating. Take for instance grounded theory (you decide on the strand, but it is theory generating as a goal). In terms in the most used type of qual analysis, thematic analysis, the papers which generated this was fleshed out in a pragmatic approach. It does not claim itself as an end point analysis. It is often used in research as either testing the theory further, and offering something to the table in conjuction to wider theory. It does not claim to generate theory, per se. We could continue, and that would be fine, but we would only list other qual analysis types, and still come to a general conclusion, on its own, qual analysis is impossible to study, even as a preference, the human condition.

Psychology has shifted, a little towards this, and that is in part the allowance of philosophy of science being more rigorously followed. No researcher would claim this as the gold standard. And that's do to with the epistemological etc strands here.

In the same way, no serious researcher into the human condition would allow for a purist positivist position either and take on only statistical a analysis. That too leads to poor results. Where is the back theory here? Even the purist using statistical analysis has moved on from dogma in transferring numbers into meaning, allowing easily (due ro the robust nature of some of the analysis) some parametric assumptions to be violated, and still retain meaning.

We've moved on from dogmatic approaches to the philosophy of science, and almost everything is pragmatic in terms of type of legal analysis towards the research question. That may sound dogmatic, but actually, isn't. There's still a tonne of leeway, but the the analysis must make sense to the problem faced.

In terms.of the example of human trauma research, a beginning of a sound qualitative analysis is fabulously well suited to the individual experience. And the goal may be to use the gold standard of qualitative "meta" analysis. Opps here. But this only allows for so much, the difficulties here cannot be understated here. Meta analysis continues to be used as the holy grail in quan. Quantitative analysis does allow for work to progress here, and progress farily well. We need a sound understanding of risk and protection factors, and this is the realm of sound quantitative analysis. Any decent practioner can interview a particular person, and quickly align their narrative toward the quantitative sphere, giving a general analysis of why the person responds to stimuli in a certain way. We need both, and prongs to offer any hope of sense making here which is valid and reliable. Small scale qual studies cannot offer, not does it purport to even aim for this. Small steps, small theory generating and moving approach is fine, though.

Last I checked, and I can not recall the numbers, psychological research remains, and hugely is the case, towards quan approaches. This is slowly moving. However, there is zero hope to a 50:50 ratio, and this is purely based on how knowledge is structured, how the philosophy of science plays into this. Sadly, we have a hierarchy of knowledge, and that is premised on, and I am being crude here, quan approaches.

P.s. my auto corrector wanted to change some of your quote, and before I realised it, I was changing (no meaning change) words. I'm too lazy to go back now lol.

Telgan I am from the so called Third World and we suffer from same things as Russia, and that is why get confused when Western Governments keep criticizing us after we literally copied their system, laws and values. My point is Russia is a capitalist democracy now, not communist anymore, and yet it is not enough apparently. USSR was bad when she had one party state, now Russia is bad when she have 4 major parties and 5-10 smaller. Not a TRUE democracy they say!

Putins popularity stand at 80% for years, and critics question this, majority of Russians support government actions in foreign policy, and critics question this. But when statistics claim low russian living standards, corruption and crime, no one questions that! Why?

Western aligned ICC even dared to issue warrant for Putin, a man sitting on 5000 nuclear warheads! Madness! Western companies are leaving Russia like they are in collusion, isnt that like, cartel behaviour? Isnt western embargo against WTO rules? Then they seized Russian assets, $300 billion, isnt this against the law? Doesnt this discourage world nations to do business with the West, as their assets can be captured and politicized?

MountAye wrote:Galaad I agree with most of your ideas, but not sure of "im now leaning more towards Moscow-Beijing-Delhi axis." Could you elaborate what it means?

I don't think such an axis exists. If there has to be a trio, the 3rd one is more likely to be Pyongyang rather than Dehli lol. Nor do I think such an axis would do good to the world peace or anything.

Pyongyang is too small and they only want the US out. Delhi is a world leader, with nuclear arsenal, billion humans, large economy and ancient values.

Politically, Delhi and Beijing are adversaries, but that doesnt stops them from entering same organizations and forums. Like BRICS. They are mature old nations that doesnt let feelings especially negative feelings to influence their actions, especially actions that can harm 3 billion humans(their populations combined).

I do believe they are new hope for world peace and stability. Russia and China were enemies 30 years ago, even had wars, now they are allies. Why wouldnt India and China solve their differences? They are also part of SCO. China lifted half a billion humans from poverty, India will do that soon, and Russia became number one supplier of not only oil, gas and rare minerals, but also grain and fertilizer. Imagine if they had risen sooner, would we have western illegal wars in Iraq, Libya. Syria? No, because there would be balance of power! West would not go there because then East would go there as well, as defender(supplier), just like West went into Ukraine after Russia did.

Another major factor at play is that USSR and Maoist China had autarky, they didnt trade alot with the world, while the West dominated world trade. Now Russia is capitalist, and China opened up, they want to trade, and that mean protect their interest.

Problem for the West, especially USA is that they trade mostly weapon systems, so they need unstable regions, while China trade everything, they need stable regions where people can afford basic (chinese) goods.

West is losing in its own game, global trade. They had unlimited access to it, and no opposition. Now they have to compete and it makes them angry. Not only trade but also information, like RT, CGTN, Al Jazeera. People now have alternative sources. And of course, many countries are planning ditching the dollar. All this combined will crush Western influence in the long term. And instead addressing the problem, the West is making mistake after mistake, especially in domestic politics. Their people are protesting almost daily, for things so basic, unimaginable 30 years ago.


  • Russia is a capitalist democracy now... now Russia is bad when she have 4 major parties and 5-10 smaller: Without Google, can you name those parties or say their difference from Putin's agenda? We must not forget the recent death of Alexei Navalny. That is at best authoritarianism, definitely not democracy. If this is what you mean by "we literally copied their system, laws and values", then you need to buy a better copier. Putins popularity stand at 80% for years. I have a whataboutism: Kim Jung En's popularity is 99% forever, do such numbers mean anything?

  • But when statistics claim low russian living standards, corruption and crime, no one questions that! which statistics? I question that :-) And why is low living standard assumed as good as low corruption and crime?

  • Russia and China were enemies 30 years ago, even had wars: 2024 - 30 = 1994, so which war was it? The most recent military confrontation between the two should be [珍宝岛事件](Chinese:, which was in 1969, quite accidental, with a casualty of ~100 on each side. However, the war between [China and India]( in 1962 was ~1000 on each side, and was only among many conflicts over many years.

  • Russia became number one supplier of not only oil, gas and rare minerals, but also grain and fertilizer. Minor error: I don't know the others, but the largest rare mineral supplier is China.

  • Imagine if they had risen sooner, would we have western illegal wars in Iraq, Libya. Syria? No, because there would be balance of power! How "risen" do they have to be to balance the evil west?

    • Iraq: which war are we talking about? When the Gulf war happened, USSR hadn't collapsed, had the largest army in the world, but still did nothing. And Gulf war was absolutely rightful to save Kuwait from Saddam. As for the 2003 war, that was indeed Bush's recklessness, but most western countries did not support or join.

    • Libya: ( started and continues as a civil war, with western intervention lasting a limited period of time. And Russia had and still has large mercenaries in North Africa, have they done anything good to peace, or the opposite?

    • Syria: ( is also a civil war, but this time Russia is an active both directly and as a puppeteer. China is also having a good relationship with the tyrant Baššār al-ʾAsad. Do these facts make Syrian people better? You tell me.

  • Problem for the West, especially USA is that they trade mostly weapon systems what's the source for this claim? And we need to notice that countries are just locations where the economical activities happen. For the products exported out of China, many are made by companies owned by the west. They make them in China, because China has okay infrastructure and much worse laws to protect workers' rights and welfare. If you count on such a regime to serve for world's justice, think again.

I’ve never dove too far into the realm of philosophy mixed with politics With this new embassy, I have been given the opportunity to enlighten myself on the topic with this group of sagacious minds. I appreciate the effort you all put into your seemingly meaningless RMB posts; I could entertain myself for hours by reading through these pages. What I’m trying to say is, thank you.

All the best

Hello PARILAND. So far so good with our embassy exchange. Your backhanded compliment indicates a sense of humour. All the best to you, too. 🙂

Compliance: First: Superior Intelligence top 0.7%. Second: Cognosco top 0.8%. Third: Neo Atlas Paradise top 0.9% … Middle: Pashtunlands top 43% … Last: Anarchocapitalistan bottom 0% (54th from bottom in world)

In Writin, the slowest students feel vaguely targeted by their Mendelian Inheritance coursework.

In PARILAND, overweight people receive reparations cheques from fast-food chains.

In MountAye, there's a lot of mouth-breathers about these days.

“If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be read at all.”
― Thomas Carlyle, Essays On Goethe

Sunrise Trail wrote:Hello PARILAND. So far so good with our embassy exchange. Your backhanded compliment indicates a sense of humour. All the best to you, too. 🙂

Lol, that wasn’t meant to be backhanded- when I said meaningless RMB posts, I wasn’t saying you write meaningless things, I was saying that RMB posts have little value to the scape of the world, yet you go through the effort of intricately writing paragraphs about philosophy. If my message came across as backhanded, that wasn’t my intention. Although, you seemed to like it either way. So maybe it was meant to be backhanded? Take it the way that puts me in the best light…

could we please expand to Florida? if that's alright

Lincows wrote:could we please expand to Florida? if that's alright

Per the map rule, you've used up your quota of 4 territories: Mexico, Texas, Chihuahua, and Nevada.

MountAye wrote:Disagreements:
  • Russia is a capitalist democracy now... now Russia is bad when she have 4 major parties and 5-10 smaller: Without Google, can you name those parties or say their difference from Putin's agenda? We must not forget the recent death of Alexei Navalny. That is at best authoritarianism, definitely not democracy. If this is what you mean by "we literally copied their system, laws and values", then you need to buy a better copier. Putins popularity stand at 80% for years. I have a whataboutism: Kim Jung En's popularity is 99% forever, do such numbers mean anything?

  • But when statistics claim low russian living standards, corruption and crime, no one questions that! which statistics? I question that :-) And why is low living standard assumed as good as low corruption and crime?

  • Russia and China were enemies 30 years ago, even had wars: 2024 - 30 = 1994, so which war was it? The most recent military confrontation between the two should be [珍宝岛事件](Chinese:, which was in 1969, quite accidental, with a casualty of ~100 on each side. However, the war between [China and India]( in 1962 was ~1000 on each side, and was only among many conflicts over many years.

  • Russia became number one supplier of not only oil, gas and rare minerals, but also grain and fertilizer. Minor error: I don't know the others, but the largest rare mineral supplier is China.

  • Imagine if they had risen sooner, would we have western illegal wars in Iraq, Libya. Syria? No, because there would be balance of power! How "risen" do they have to be to balance the evil west?

    • Iraq: which war are we talking about? When the Gulf war happened, USSR hadn't collapsed, had the largest army in the world, but still did nothing. And Gulf war was absolutely rightful to save Kuwait from Saddam. As for the 2003 war, that was indeed Bush's recklessness, but most western countries did not support or join.

    • Libya: ( started and continues as a civil war, with western intervention lasting a limited period of time. And Russia had and still has large mercenaries in North Africa, have they done anything good to peace, or the opposite?

    • Syria: ( is also a civil war, but this time Russia is an active both directly and as a puppeteer. China is also having a good relationship with the tyrant Baššār al-ʾAsad. Do these facts make Syrian people better? You tell me.

  • Problem for the West, especially USA is that they trade mostly weapon systems what's the source for this claim? And we need to notice that countries are just locations where the economical activities happen. For the products exported out of China, many are made by companies owned by the west. They make them in China, because China has okay infrastructure and much worse laws to protect workers' rights and welfare. If you count on such a regime to serve for world's justice, think again.

I am going to use numbers to reply since im on the phone and it would take too long to quote each text separately:

1. Yes i can name 3 Russian major parties, 2 US ones and 1 Chinese. I am well informed about their policies and actions in the past 15 years.
United Russia is the biggest party, big tent, supports Putin, it was centrist for 20 years, now tilted right. Liberal Democratic Party is nothing as their name says. they are nationalist-imperialist, and they would start revisionist and irredentist wars if they had a chance. And the Communists, they are actually the strongest, with huge support in the population. The only thing that keeps UR is Putins popularity, when he is gone, the Communists will be majority in Duma, and probably copy Chinese policies. Fun fact, the Communists were pro war since 2014, Putin wasnt. Russian Communists are unapologetic, and i have respect for them, speaking as anti-communist. Credits where credits due.

2. General statistics like UN, US and EU ones, the usual western ones. People always question eastern elections, but never eastern living standards for example. That was my point.

3. I dont understand whats your point? I was still right USSR and PRC had wars, despite using general numbers and not using exact chronology. Its like saying 'WW2 was 50 years ago', that doesnt mean exactly 50 years ago, it means long time ago, half a century. People dont always use exact numbers for historic events, and some of us are older which mean we will use some numbers and names longer than others. Like Kiev or Donbass or other PC talk, we cant instantly switch to 'Kyiv and Donbas' after writing these names the same for decades. It doesnt work like that.

4. You are correct on this one, China is rare earth supplier, i meant some type of essential metals and mistakenly wrote rare earths. Still insane to even try isolate Pluto-sized country.

5. Iraqi War 2003 , neither China nor Russia were strong enough to interfere. Also in Libya, Russia interfered during second civil war. And they got involved in Syria in 2015 because ISIS was running wild and refugees flooded Europe. Russia received formal invitation by a friendly nation to help. It was not invasion.
Name calling people and leaders is pointless and immature. You wont achieve anything by doing that. Same as ive heard other people wishing for Putin to be shot. Dont be like that, be above it.

6. General knowledge really, you can see on wikipedia also. The US export mostly guns and tech, EU supplied world with food and tech, but China replaced them. My personal experience also shows that Chinese products saturated global market, in every country i went, they were using chinese tools, food, and from recently even cars and tech. Western products now rarely leaves the west. This is not an insult but simple observation. For example chinese cars are trying to enter EU but eu is banning them so they can preserve their auto industry since chinese cars are more competitive, while US is banning Chinese tech under false accusations like security reasons. Ludicrous.

I am anti communist, but i cant deny the fact Asia currently is more economically competitive than West. I am right wing, which mean i support conservatism and liberty, and despite CCP being communist, they stopped supressing traditions and culture of China, they are actually promoting it! How can i as right winger be against this. Han patriotism is back, Russian patriotism, American patriotism. Suffocating national identity is immoral.

When West, especially USA was right wing, they had unprecedented wealth and progress. Today their economy is not advanced anymore, but looks more like emerging market, while having third world pockets. The values shifted East, and that made eastern nations more wealthy and free, while negative values shifted Westward, the ones Russia and China had 50 years ago.

Maklaburg is no longer a republic. We are now a communist state

Galaad wrote:

I am going to use numbers to reply since im on the phone and it would take too long to quote each text separately:

1. Yes i can name 3 Russian major parties, 2 US ones and 1 Chinese. I am well informed about their policies and actions in the past 15 years.
United Russia is the biggest party, big tent, supports Putin, it was centrist for 20 years, now tilted right. Liberal Democratic Party is nothing as their name says. they are nationalist-imperialist, and they would start revisionist and irredentist wars if they had a chance. And the Communists, they are actually the strongest, with huge support in the population. The only thing that keeps UR is Putins popularity, when he is gone, the Communists will be majority in Duma, and probably copy Chinese policies. Fun fact, the Communists were pro war since 2014, Putin wasnt. Russian Communists are unapologetic, and i have respect for them, speaking as anti-communist. Credits where credits due.

2. General statistics like UN, US and EU ones, the usual western ones. People always question eastern elections, but never eastern living standards for example. That was my point.

3. I dont understand whats your point? I was still right USSR and PRC had wars, despite using general numbers and not using exact chronology. Its like saying 'WW2 was 50 years ago', that doesnt mean exactly 50 years ago, it means long time ago, half a century. People dont always use exact numbers for historic events, and some of us are older which mean we will use some numbers and names longer than others. Like Kiev or Donbass or other PC talk, we cant instantly switch to 'Kyiv and Donbas' after writing these names the same for decades. It doesnt work like that.

4. You are correct on this one, China is rare earth supplier, i meant some type of essential metals and mistakenly wrote rare earths. Still insane to even try isolate Pluto-sized country.

5. Iraqi War 2003 , neither China nor Russia were strong enough to interfere. Also in Libya, Russia interfered during second civil war. And they got involved in Syria in 2015 because ISIS was running wild and refugees flooded Europe. Russia received formal invitation by a friendly nation to help. It was not invasion.
Name calling people and leaders is pointless and immature. You wont achieve anything by doing that. Same as ive heard other people wishing for Putin to be shot. Dont be like that, be above it.

6. General knowledge really, you can see on wikipedia also. The US export mostly guns and tech, EU supplied world with food and tech, but China replaced them. My personal experience also shows that Chinese products saturated global market, in every country i went, they were using chinese tools, food, and from recently even cars and tech. Western products now rarely leaves the west. This is not an insult but simple observation. For example chinese cars are trying to enter EU but eu is banning them so they can preserve their auto industry since chinese cars are more competitive, while US is banning Chinese tech under false accusations like security reasons. Ludicrous.

I am anti communist, but i cant deny the fact Asia currently is more economically competitive than West. I am right wing, which mean i support conservatism and liberty, and despite CCP being communist, they stopped supressing traditions and culture of China, they are actually promoting it! How can i as right winger be against this. Han patriotism is back, Russian patriotism, American patriotism. Suffocating national identity is immoral.

When West, especially USA was right wing, they had unprecedented wealth and progress. Today their economy is not advanced anymore, but looks more like emerging market, while having third world pockets. The values shifted East, and that made eastern nations more wealthy and free, while negative values shifted Westward, the ones Russia and China had 50 years ago.

I still do not see a single web link as a reference. Generally, calling wikipedia is not enough, as least the entry name should be clarified.

  1. You introduction to the Russian political parties actually proves the "major" parties are not major (or this contradicts with your claim of Putin's polularity), but only analogs of Putin in some aspects, to an allowed extend. Aleksey Anatolyevich Navalny as a counter argument is totally ignored. He is not alone. There are dozens of dissidents murdered, and much more exiled.

  2. Still no reference.

  3. My point is the conflict between Russia and China is not enough to be called a war. The rivalry between India and China is orders of magnitude more violent, making the formation of "axis" much harder.

  4. No more comments

    • If you want to stop the US from militarily interfering with international affairs, then even today's China, Russia, and India combined are still not enough, not in a foreseeable future.

    • Calling Assad a tyrant is by no means a name calling. Directly inheriting his father in a republic and tailoring the law for age limit, this the most neutral and Greek definition of tyranny (僭主). And we haven't discussed the evidenced usage of chemical weapons onto civil people. [] Want to continue?

    • Also worth to mention, defending Russian interference and criticizing western help for Ukraine is suspected of double standard.

    • No source again. Your new claim "The US export mostly guns and tech, EU supplied world with food and tech" is already very different from the original one. And here is a data visualization ( I don't see weapons as a significant export sector. Once again, save intuition and common sense to yourself, and show others solid data and source.

    • Once again, the location of goods does not tell the whole story. Most iphones sold in the US are actually imported from China, but most profits still go to Apple, an American company.

    • Woohoo I see "Ludicrous". "Dont be like that, be above it." LoL

As a Chinese, I am so moved to see someone praising my own nation. (sorry I am lying lol.) Its rise significantly relies on the west and it pretends that's not true. Many of the technologies were obtained by enforcing the western companies to sell, otherwise they'll close the market for the west. This was so against the rules of WTO, now they dare to accuse the west of similar trade barrier for self defense, I have nothing to say.

Now, even the rise is at risk. Xi Jinping the analogue of Putin has spent ten years reforming the government to dictatorship, building military, and threatening Taiwan and even the whole east Asia. The pandemic has crippled the country's economy. We might see Xi making a dangerous gamble before his chips fade away. Hopefully he'll not be praised as a peace balancer for doing that.

What a bizzare and strange notion on the right wing economies doing better than left wing. I'm, like, totally, shocked.

The USA economic powerhouse was a reponse from state intervention. Either via interna growth by the state apparatus, or via world wide jetsetting throwing dolla dolla as loans. This is hardly in keeping with traditional neoliberalism values. Nor, is necessarily left wing. It is in fact middle of the way poltics, pragmatic.

The rise of small economic whirlwinds in Europe tend to be from the left leaning states (more relative to world wide standards). There are always allowances, however, in general this rule keeps.

Almost every nation, when wealth is accumulated, becomes a little more left leaning, arguably, as it can afford to invest in social programmes. It kind of has to, as wealth, traditionally, has been made from the people (however we cut it), and economies that grow tend to empower it's people to action. Ideological shifts are always natural, occurring within the economic sphere, and shaped by history.


I am unconvinced to the argument that the only thing keeping Putin's eventual demise is the demise of Putin. This is incredibly circular and meaningless. Fact finder calls: BS.

Russian standard of living is lower than most other Western counterparts. I don't know why is would be challeneged. QoL is lower in Russia, and actually, in the bottom of of most world wide comparasion indexes. And I would suggest, strongly, lower still since the illegal invasion... If you believe the CCP is promoting human rights, I would suggest even looking at one measure of press freedom, see where this falls within the world idex. Poor. Poor. Poor. Fact finder calls: BS.

In terms of this bizzare new Axis of Evil. There is absolutely no evidence to support this. Zero. Nada. It is like a disgruntled Tory MP wished for a CANZUK sovereign nation state... Fact finders calls: BS.

I don't see relevance here on whose duck is bigger than another's duck. Cold conflicts will continue regardless, and states roaming about other states continue still. All tend to be, generally wrong. Again, the fact finders finds... BS.

Calling the USA's main export as weapons is meaningless. It is by no means the largest net contributor to their economic plan or forecasting. It is like saying France's main export is champagne. Just becuase it the largest net exporter of one product in that one cate, does not make it the largest net export to an economy. Fact finder finds yet again... BS and half story to fit a narrative which is, and should be, contested.

In terms of other areas of narrative building, cheap labour in China does sadly compete in the global acceptability grace in terms of very poor worker rights. But we live in a global marketplace where very poor labour practices. Global market is constantly shifting, and moving to now other states with poorer worker rights etc as China continues to rapidly shift. As Mt Aye says, made in China, designed in Califiona. Cheap raw materials for a worldwide brand, where the software and brand hold the value.... Anway, remove trade barriers, I say. surely most right leaning psople would agres, unless you are a neoconservative. Fact finder, goodness, me, wouldn't you believe it, calls: half truths... and BS.

Complex picture, and I by no means would suggest I have given full accounts either. I'm happy source anything, however, for ease, most ease of Google amd selective (as in credible) sources would allude to a general conclusion that Inhave posed.

And to rise above the name calling of Putin et al. Naw man, call a spade a spade.

For further information see Penn amd Teller's Showtime series, aptly called... BS.


Question time:
1. What is your idea of morality, please?
2. What is your idea of standard of living?
3. Why would national pride be something to celebrate?
4. Why is Putin stopping his own downfall by eventually being downfallen? What.
5. Why have you been selective on national economic activity from right wing governments? I see there's no mention on lower performing ones.
6. Why would we rely on general acquired false knowledge? That is like me saying the Earth is the centre of the universe during times when this was general knowledge.
7. Can you expand when the USA was particularly right wing by global standard, and what model are you using to assess this, please. This USA is an outlier, but I think you're getting confused here.

Thanks in advance.

Culture: First: Telgan top 0.5%. Second: Superior Intelligence top 0.5%. Third: Kingdom of Cambria top 2% … Middle: Pashtunlands top 33% … Last: Erendoni bottom 1%

In Mushraan, bar brawls are an hourly occurrence.

In Solaennen, students do more community service than homework.

In Maklaburg, kilts and cassocks are viewed with suspicion.

“Usually when people talk about the trickle-down theory, it has to do with economics. The richer people at the top of a society become, supposedly, the more wealth there is to trickle down to the people below. It never really works out that way, of course, because if there are 2 things people at the top can't stand, they have to be leakage and overflow.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, Hocus Pocus

MountAye It would be unecessary to post link about information that is common knowledge, i am not speaking about conspiracy theories here.

Your last paragraph is interesting, because you talk about dictatorship. So that does mean before Xi China was democracy? Or do you mean only now when you disagree with government policies, you label them dictatorship? If this is true, then it is very dishonest.
Threats to Taiwan? Why would you make threats to your own island?
I have problem with CCP claiming half of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, but to talk about Taiwan is a waste of time.
And i would need proof of yours where Xi is threatening the world with war, because i cant find any. I can use use google translate to read Chinese news(i know its different), but you are saying he says that to the world, not domestic audiences.

Telgan Thats the point, if we agree on statistics that Russian living standards are low, wages low, crime high, then why do we stop recognizing elections? It reminds alot of leftists defending Communism. 'It was not TRUE Communism!'. Now we here 'Russia is not TRUE Democracy!' When your opponent does bad things, you acknowledge that, but when your opponent do good, you deny. But this is not serious. They hold regular elections, and even foreigners can go observe. What i see is the European side blocking Russians to vote, like Balts blocking and patroling around Russian embassies to stop them from entering and casting votes. Remember that EU is leftist by the way. So if we deny one thing, where do we stop? Shall we deny US elections? Are we going to protest every election like USA and Belarus? Whats the point then? Are we democracies or protestocracies? Can we agree on the rules, or will we continue to play different game?

Rise of Europe and America happened exactly because of Right Wing policies, and then they shifted left gradually and we see the results. I never said i am AnCap, never said state intervention is unecessary, i said right wing politics is what makes nations successful, and thats liberty and private property. Shift this to the left, and your nation starts to decay.

I also never said anything about human rights in China, i said China lifted millions from poverty. I believe i said 500 million if i remember correct. And then i said India will as well.

I also never said 'Axis of Evil'. I said axis. Axis between nations of significance on global stage, their special relations.
I sense bad faith and sarcasm in your comments and i dont like that. No need to put words in my mouth.

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