by Max Barry

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The Եադյրա՟դյշի Պևօդշօդեվա՟դա of Deims Kir

“Դարյևյձե, Պյձ Բե՟դաո կցեվափյ՟իձ.” La majstro

Category: Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Auxiliary

Location: Lands End



LEpedia - Deims Kir (WIP)


Motto: "To Prosper, You Must First Work"
Kirian: "Taṉelesu, Pes Ṭāikhuratūṣthā"

Great Deims Kir (Instrumental) (Linklisten)

Location of Deims Kir in Magnaterra

Location of Deims Kir in Lands End

Capital city

Largest city

Official language(s)

National language(s)
Anglic, Kirian, Rhākanese

Ethnic groups
By race:

73% Native Kirian

21% African

5% Asian

<1% Other

By ethnicity:

15% Hispanic or Latino

85% Non-Hispanic or Latino


Libierco Aglo (Liberty Eagle)

Deims Kirian, Kirer

Constitutional Monarchy (LinkCrowned Republic)

- Leader
L. Zamenhof (Monarch)

District Assembly, Provincial Council


- Nation Proclaimed
October 23, 1850

- First Constitution Signed
March 14, 1865


- Total area
approx. 638,960.427 sq km

- Water (%)
0.556% (ex. maritime boundaries)

- Total land area
approx. 4,402.98 sq km


- Estimate

- Census (2017)

Current Estimate

- Total
$2.529 trillion

- Per Capita

GINI Index

Human Development Index

Deims Kirian Sūl (֏)(DKS)

Date format

Drives on the

Calling code

ISO 3166 code

Internet TLD

From LEpedia, the Lands End online encyclopedia.

Deims Kir, officially known as The Եադյրա՟դյշի Պևօդշօդեվա՟դա of Deims Kir (Kirian: Uateṉāteṣi Plotṣoturāta Deims Kir [wateɲa:teʃi plot͡ʃuɾa:ta dɛɪ̯ms kir]), is a nation located in northwestern Magnaterra. It occupies the continent’s westernmost point as a part of an area of approximately 306,000 square miles (793,000 square kilometres), being one of the larger countries in Magnaterra - though much of this land is not contiguous, since it occupies the majority of the Kir Archipelago.

Deims Kir borders relativley few nations: Ofrus to the east, and Hooseria across the Vabas strait. However, most of its area borders one body of water - the Meridian ocean. For this reason, many of its cities are on the coast; a testament to Deims Kir's history as a maritime trading empire during the late middle ages and the Renaissance. Deims Kir has a population exceeding 64 milion, which makes it one of the more populous nations in the area.

The national capital is Īmah-Mānotṣotu (Ի՟մաց֊Մա՟ռօդշօդե), though the most populous city is Gufeṣi-Mānotṣotu (Գեփյշի-Մա՟ռօդշօդե).


1 Etymology
2 History
⠀⠀2.1 Prehistory
⠀⠀2.2 Antiquity
⠀⠀2.3 Middle Ages
⠀⠀2.4 Early Modern Period
⠀⠀2.5 Present Day
3 Geography
⠀⠀3.1 Climate
⠀⠀3.1 Environment
⠀⠀3.1 Wildlife and Conservation
4 Demographics
⠀⠀4.1 Population
⠀⠀4.2 Language
⠀⠀4.3 Religion
⠀⠀4.4 Health
⠀⠀4.5 Education
5 Politics
⠀⠀5.1 Political Divisions
⠀⠀5.2 Parties and Elections
⠀⠀5.3 Law
⠀⠀5.4 Foreign Relations
⠀⠀5.5 Government Finance
6 Military
⠀⠀6.1 Army
⠀⠀6.2 Navy
⠀⠀6.3 Air and Space Force
⠀⠀6.4 National Guard
⠀⠀6.5 Law Enforcement and Crime
7 Economy
⠀⠀7.1 Income, Poverty and Wealth
⠀⠀7.2 Agriculture
⠀⠀7.3 Tourism
⠀⠀7.4 Science and Technology
8 Infrastructure
⠀⠀7.1 Transportation
⠀⠀7.2 Energy
⠀⠀7.3 Telecommunications
9 Culture
⠀⠀9.1 Literature, Philosophy, and Visual Art
⠀⠀9.2 Architecture
⠀⠀9.3 Cuisine
⠀⠀9.4 Music
⠀⠀9.5 Cinema
⠀⠀9.6 Sports
10 See Also


The name of the nation of Deims Kir did in fact originate from an ancient proto-language form of Kirian (Henceforth known as Proto-Kirian), and the purported original phrase was "/ðɛmʃ ˈki:r/", meaning "[he/them/they] ['re] wise, knowledgeable" The reason why this phrase (especially the verb) looks so different from the modern Kirian equivalent of "Deimseṇ Kirgō" /deim.sɛŋ kir.go:/ is because of the fact that, as is made obvious by the fact it is a proto-language, a host of sound changes have occurred and the verbal suffixation system had not fully developed at the time.

However, there has been a significant amount of semantic bleaching within much of the population bringing this phrase to just a namesake, and only in the Kirian-Speaking population has the modified version retained its meaning.



Following what is thought to have been the first human migrations into northwestern Magnaterra approximately 130,000 years before the present day, various palaeolithic artefacts showing extensive human habitation have been found across much of what today makes up the territory of Deims Kir. These early hominids were thought to have led a hunter-gatherer lifestyle which was not dissimilar to that of the first behaviourally modern humans in other parts of the world.

At the end of the last glacial period, the climate in the area mildened significantly compared to any previous time period; this encouraged the inhabitants to move to a sedentary lifestyle - this marked the beginning of the neolithic era in the area.

During the neolithic period, there was a marked demographic change in the population of the area, which can be seen at some of the earlier neolithic sites as extensive migration occurred from more southern areas of Magnaterra, and the relatively high amount of arable and pasture land allowed a range of flourishing neolithic cultures to develop successively. Metallurgy began to appear in the mid-late 3rd millennium BC - there is evidence that gold, copper, bronze and later iron was worked in the area before the development of classical civilisation as a concept.


Middle Ages

During the early middle ages and through this time period as a whole, Deims Kir underwent massive change, both economically, culturally and linguistically - however the state of the area was very much a dark age. the prevalence of barbarian naval raids on the important coastal cities pushed the state into a more militaristic disposition, wherein a lot of the available labour and currency was spent on rebuilding the lost areas and creating a sizeable military force in order to counter and defend from said raids; and due to this, the wider economy was pushed into a state of disrepair. this situation would not come to cease until when new, radical advisers and philosophers spread from the hub of enlightenment centred on northern Amnis, which were quickly appointed to government and who rapidly improved the economy through re-purposing some of Deims Kir's older warships into naval commerce vessels or colonial ships, in order to establish a wider presence in Land's end as a whole.

Early Modern Period

Beginning in the early 1400s, several of the aforementioned smaller states began to confederate into a larger entity to exert more influence on other regional powers and smaller nations. Such an organisation also had the benefit of allowing the several polities to better protect themselves against external threats. As a result of this, the confederation slowly moved ever closer to becoming a unitary state and - in later years of the century - pursuing more complex and ambitious goals, such as a burgeoning colonial empire in Crepscula and relations with other major powers, chiefly in Amnis.

The government of said state was that of a Merchant Republic, which focused on using its naval power to exercise influence over the southern Meridian Ocean and the coasts of Magnaterra. As such, one of the most easily achievable goals was that of exploration and exploitation of the new lands to the west, which had been discovered a few years prior to the true unification of the republic. As such, the council of the republic undertook great effort to establish colonies off the coast of Crepscula (which were mainly inhabited by deported Rhene people from the mainland areas of Deims Kir) in order to maximise the potential gain from this momentous discovery.

The additional revenue being generated by the colonies abroad was enough to kickstart an age of relative prosperity in the Kirian merchant republic, which allowed for the pursual of “higher matters'' (education, artistry, and philosophy) by much of the upper class. As such, many schools of thought and ideas were imported from neighbouring Hooseria; as a result of this, much of the upper class began a process of Latinisation which still persists in several cultural elements to this day.

As the 17th century progressed, pressure on Deims Kir began to mount further and further - both economically, from the declining profitability of its colonial ventures, and domestically as members of the council were frequently ousted in scandals and other sinister undertakings, sewing discontent within the common populace. As a result, more and more resources had to be invested in the suppression of such discontent; lessening power over the other possessions of the Republic.

Eventually, this led to the complete collapse of the administration in the Revolution of Integrity, which occurred between 1805 and 1807, mainly led by (classical) liberal orators and agitators - as a result of this, there was not only large economic downturn but also a total loss of any non-Magnaterran possessions which were still present despite the ever-weakening power of the government in the years preceding the collapse. So began the Constitutional Era of Kirian history, and the path to the workings of the modern state.

Modern Era and The Present Day

After the Revolution of Integrity succeeded in 1807, the newly established government drafted the 1st constitution of Deims Kir, which allowed for much more freedom and stability within the remnants of the empire - setting out some of the crucial liberties and institutions still present in the nation today - and briefly ushered in a period of peace, with no major conflicts taking place across the nation.

However, this transitionary period of peace was not to last for long - beginning in the year of 1810, there began a series of border conflicts with the neighbouring nation of Ofrus, who had filled the power vacuum within the region after the collapse of the maritime empire. Small units began to cross into the outermost provinces of the state in order to progressively annex areas of frontier territory from Deims Kir, which the government had to cede due to a severely weakened military force (such weakness stemming from the death or ousting of many military leaders during the revolution itself, as well as a purging of the general staff of previous loyalists immediately after). As such, in 1821 the treaty of [PLACE] redefined the official borders of the two states in order to reflect the de facto state of control in the area.

This resulted in a small effort to fortify the newly demarcated border, but the main outcome of this conflict was the redirection of (mostly government-funded) investment and development programs to the major cities on the Kir Archipelago (such as Īmah-Mānotṣotu), which focused on bolstering trade with other states; this was done in order to build on the heritage of the cities as major ports and commerce centres during their heyday of the Merchant Republic. As expected, these manoeuvres boosted the economy into a period of growth and prosperity, lifting many out of poverty and restoring faith in the government after the frankly humiliating losses in the east.

During the Great war of 1928-1940, Deims Kir remained neutral, though still felt the impact of the first truly global conflict in the world’s history. Manufacturing centres began to falter and maritime trade began to dry up as the major powers involved competed to interdict vital goods shipments in an effort to slow the other’s war effort. As several fronts of the conflict came to a close, Diems Kir acted as a mediator in hosting several of the war’s peace treaties, and cemented its place as being a truly neutral side of the conflict.

After this, Deims Kir was a key founding member of the Magnaterran Economic Community, which was an organisation focused on accelerating the economic growth (or rather, recovery) of the nations of its own continent in a new post-war environment, and shifted the focus of it's own economy to one mostly based on services and higher-level manufacturing, which were somewhat in need due to the inevitable damage to the economies of Great War participants, and the diminished capacity which they had for such industries. This led to an economic boom which cemented its place in the contemporary world as a power in the region, if not in the world.

At the present day, Deims Kir focuses on maintaining good international relations with most of the world - and the economy which supports has remained much unchanged in principle, just applied to more advanced and new technologies - such as computing technology, modern corporations, and other comlex services which may not have been present at the time of the new economic model’s inception.



The climate of Deims Kir is Mediterranean-like in both temperature and precipitation levels, giving it temperature ranges between a low of 11℃ and a high of approximately 35℃ in the majority of the country, with some areas receiving slightly lower temperature due to a combination of altitude or proximity to bodies of water.

In terms of precipitation, Deims Kir on average receives 1000mm (~39.3 inches) of rain every year, with the yearly low of around 10.2-12.3mm (recorded 2020) occurring in the hottest summer months of July and August, and the highs ranging between 149.8 and 153.85mm in the winter months of November and December. This firmly places Deims Kir into the Köppen classification of Csa, meaning it has a hot summer but may be milder in the coastal areas. The reason why the climate classification is as such is because of the fact that there is a cold ocean current running through the archipelago where Deims Kir is located - which brings cooler air and moisture from the Mediriman ocean to the shores of both the major islands and the mainland section of the nation.

This climate suits Deims Kir for cultivation of crops such as the various cereals (Maize, wheat, barley and corn), starches (such as potatoes and squashes) as well as some fruits which are not as hardy in a colder climate such as grapes (for wine), olives and tomatoes, as well as citrus. Many of these crops - particularly the sweeter fruits and grapes - are suited for export and are in fact desirable in other countries, adding a substantial extra income to farmers and other agricultural producers.


Because of Deims Kir's Mediterranean climate, the environment is dry -with the only forests being in proximity to either rivers or bodies of water. Even then, much of the nation is susceptible to fires during the hottest of the summer months.

The land is split into three parts - the mainland area and the two substantial islands situated to the northeast, as well as some smaller islands 'scattered' around the larger ones. Of the pair of larger islands, one is straddled by a large river and lake, which serve as to provide sustenance to the increased amount of both flora and fauna which are present in the area - as well as, more recently, newly developed human settlement, which is placing somewhat of a strain on what remains of the large river basins.

On the other slightly smaller island, no such body of water is present, so less - if any - use can be made of the water which is there (when referring to use by humans), as much of what is being supplied by rivers or groundwater tables is being processed by plant and animal life. However, significant portions of the island are still covered by some form of vegetation, whether it is a forest or just intermittent shrub-land as several small creeks and rivers run from springs in the northwest of the island.

The mainland is similar in conditions to the smaller island - however, there is a much-lessened population density inland (when compared to the coastal regions) due to yet less water availability, and climate shifts within the continental interior.

Wildlife and Conservation

Due to the fact that the Mediterranean climate (in which the majority of Deims Kir is located) has only a small amount of rainfall per year - especially in the summer months - the amount of native wildlife is somewhat limited to drought- or flame-resistant plant species. Some examples of larger flora include Cork Oak, Eucalyptus, Poplar, Ash and other Mediterranean species such as Maritime Pine, Common Juniper and Hazel.

As well as having a substantial amount of dry or deciduous forest cover near water tables and overground sources, there is a good amount of covering shrub-land with flora such as Heather, Gorse, Sagebrush and Cheatgrass, which forms an almost steppe- or Savannah-like environment. Said environment covers a range of about 15-20% of the continental areas and even less of the islands.

The fauna of Deims Kir is also in line with that of many other Mediterranean climates, for example in more rural areas the sighting of native hares, ibex and wild pigs is not uncommon. However, in cities, this is now a rare occurrence due to increased deforestation and population density in the urban areas.



Having a population of around 60 million people, Deims Kir is quite a large Nation when compared to the wider international community. Much of the population is also demographically diverse, being composed of many different ethnicities (Besides Kirian)- the largest of which is the Rhāka minority, which is believed to have been present previous to the Kirian migrations to the area in prehistoric times. Of course, these pre-Kirian peoples also posses their own language, the Rhakanese language; it is markedly different to the currently majoritarily-spoken Kirian language (being rather more analytic in nature), and is one fo the last remaining fragments of the culture which preceded that of the Kirian People.

In terms of other minorities and ethnicities, the larger cities in Deims Kir also possess a significant portion of the Borealian Diaspora, which largely immigrated during the Mercantile Period (during which Deims Kir possessed a somewhat large colonial holding in what is now considered the northernmost areas of Crepscula), wherein many prospective citizens and residents migrated through some of the empire's more peripheral holdings. This has ended up notably contributing to the ethnic make-up of the Kirian state.

Main Article - Official Language Of Deims Kir

As was specified above, many of the inhabitants of Deims Kir speak Kirian as either their first language (L1), or an acquired second language (L2), usually as some sort of community integration project or as a requirement for immigration (only applied to newer immigrants). The language itself is an isolate which relies somewhat on the use of affixes (mostly suffixes, although it is not unheard of to display marking using a prefix) to convey grammatical meaning - such as case, plurality, class (in nouns) and many other aspects of the language such as mood. In this respect, the language could be called somewhat aggluginative. The language (and thus any new words which are added to the standard dialect) is overseen by the Kirian Academy of Languages, which is located in The capital, Īmah-Mānotṣotu.

Although Esperanto was once utilised as a primary method of communication, it is now being phased out and replaced by the use of Kirian as part of a cultural revitalisation program which is built to favour the older language such as Kirian - and one part of this is the changing of place names from their widely-used Esperanto variants to the old Kirian spellings, which is an effort mainly to make some remembrance of the old native tribes from which most present-day Kirians are descended as well as to add some form of uniqueness and unambiguity to the nation's culture.

Main Article - Ṣūlism - Official religion of Deims Kir

There are a few practised religions within Deims Kir, most notably the Pre-Dark-Age Ṣūlist faith, which is based on the dualist belief that the sun and the stars are the governing forces of the universe, and that they then must be worshipped as creators and destroyers of the world simultaneously. This religion is Part of the Kirian culture in that many citizens visit the temples which were built for Ṣūlist worship, even if they themselves are not part of the denomination, to pay respect to their ancestors or relatives who were followers of the religion.


Within the Republic, there is a government-funded public health system, (Known as the National Health Service in English) which is free to access to citizens, however in order to access the citizenship required for use of the system a person must have either tangible lineage/heritage within Deims Kir, or have had been a resident within the nation for two years and passed the citizenship tests with a satisfactory grade at least. This does not apply in the case of a life-threatening emergency or terminal care, however, and there are stringent checks in order to make sure that no-one is using this as a loophole or write-off to free healthcare within the nation.


The public education system within Deims Kir is quite extensive, education is required from nursery age until around the age of 16; most, if not all, children who are citizens of the nation enrol in it - only a small percentage are home-schooled. Up to the age of around 14, they learn all subjects, however after this, when they reach that later stage in education, they may choose two or three other subjects (alongside English, Kirian, maths and science) to study at a greater depth and in place of most of the other subjects. (One exception to this is Physical Education, which must be studied in one way or another regardless of subjects chosen. )


Political Divisions
Main Article - Political Divisions of Deims Kir

In Deims Kir, The political divisions are known as Provinces (Or Raēotṣə in Kirian). There are a total of [NUMBER] provinces, each with elected representatives serving in the parliament of Deims Kir, though the number of representatives is governed by smaller sub-divisions, called wards or municipalities. Aside from the capital city itself, each district has a capital where the main administrative decisions and planning for the whole province is drawn up and authorised - and each province may send one elected delegate from their capital offices to the Provinces' council every 5 years in order to vote and pass resolutions or grants which may work in favour of the respective region and it's people.

The capital area, however, is a province of its own, divided into 5 districts - each of which will elect a district president; there is a small ballot after said districts have each elected each president in order to decide which of these districts would represent the entire capital region in the council.

The council itself works alongside the parliament houses and the monarch in order to pass laws and begin initiatives which govern the foreign policy of the nation and the domestic policy of provinces and autonomous areas, and any special aid or cases which need to be attended to in the governmental scope.

One of the only exceptions to this system is that of the Rhene Autonomous Administration (RAA), which is mainly located on the north-western part of the mainland territories. this area elects its own representatives to a separate governmental body (the [BODY NAME]) in order to govern domestic affairs of their own citizens without interference from the wider Kirian government. As such, the administration affords some extra rights when compared to other administrative divisions within the republic - most of which are defined in the Kirian Constitution.

Parties and Elections

Governments in Deims Kir are elected through a Closed-list proportional representation system, within which the voter will vote twice - once for the party in their ward, and a further time for their state's councillor. The district representatives are elected into the parliament of 650 seats through the D'hondt method of proportional representation, and often need to form coalitions in order to form a majority government and pass laws through this legislature.


Foreign Relations

Deims Kir holds relatively good relations with many of its neighbours, partly due to a modern history of neutrality when pertaining to conflict (see the great war as an example) and as a mediator in international matters, though mainly because of it's continued presence in the MEC (Magnaterran Economic Community). This organisation focuses on the betterment of the magnaterran economies whale promoting cooperation and good international relations between members.

Government Finance




Air and Space Force

National Guard

Law Enforcement and Crime


Income, Poverty and Wealth



Science and Technology

Deims Kir's science and technology industries focus primarily on the information technology industry and therefore any of the major businesses or services which depend on said industry; and the information technology sector is one of the largest portions of the Kirian economy - with some of the most major businesses including the People's Computer Company (Kirian: LinkPeṣtāmēs Ṭaphmekīṇāmēs thūrotu, Styled as PṬT), a producer of consumer electronics which exports globally, and the Kirian Machine Parts Company (Kirian: LinkKīrīnar Mekīṇati Thūrekhā, Styled as KMT), which both are market leaders for their respective areas in Deims Kir, and which hold quite a considerable share of the market across much of Magnaterra, and to a lesser extent Lands End as a whole.






Literature, Philosophy, and Visual Art


The architecture of Deims Kir is very diverse in nature, ranging from pre-colonial era Gothic and baroque styles to the more recent Pombaline styles, which add various bright colours to the bustling city streets.

Some more well-known examples of the former are present within the many Ṣūlist temples dotted around Deims Kir. These often have an emphasis on an open interior and courtyards (as to let the sun flow into and through the building) - many older ones of these now serve as cultural heritage sites or museums, though some as old as the 1200s are still in operation as places of worship today.


Sawdust Pudding

One of many Deims Kirian traditional desserts is the sweet dish Link"Sawdust Puding", known as () in Kirian. It is mainly composed of a dry or biscuit base, which is crushed so fine as if to resemble sawdust, which gives the dish it's name. On top of this or mixed in with it is usually a condensed milk and/or cream based "sauce" or "topping" which adds a degree of moisture and flavour which differentiates the dish from many others within the same area of cooking.

This dish had it's origins in the closing years of the old merchant republic of the late 1800s, wherein there was relative economic hardship within what remained of the Kirian Empire; and due to some relative unavailability of some common dessert ingredients and commonplace household goods, a need arose in which to produce a low-cost yet relatively flavourful or at least filling dish. From this need and want for a sweet dish arose what is not a staple dessert in Deims Kir, sawdust pudding. This dish covered all of the needs of a common or middle-class person at the time of the economic downturn - it was filling, sweet and also had significantly less cost than other mainstream dishes at the time in which it first became widely accepted as part of the Kirian cuisine.


Music in Deims Kir is mainly composed of pop and contemporary music, however some of the more culturally grounded music of Deims Kir is rooted in more ancient civilisations. For example, one of the first peoples to settle in the southwestern area of magnaterra were the [UNNAMED], who had their own unique instruments and musical scales, one of the first being the LinkTanbūr - a three-stringed, long-necked lute often accompanied with vocals in either a ritual or religious context. This later evolved into a more mechanical instrument, the Link[AWAITING NAME], which utilised a wheel to facilitate the addition of two or three drone strings (as well as the standard ones, now adapted to be played with keys). In a modern context, the [AWAITING NAME] is widely used in a folk context, particularly amongst what remains of the Rhene people.



See Also

Lands End Wiki Main Page
Ṣūlism - Official religion of Deims Kir
Kirian - Official language of Deims Kir

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This dispatch is maintained by Deims Kir.
