by Max Barry

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by The Nationale Republik of New Nationale Einheit. . 193 reads.

Global Liberty Alliance



The liberty minded regions of Nationstates hereby undersign and affirm the inalienable rights of man and join in alliance to spread through means of diplomacy, military action, and communication the forces of liberty and freedom throughout the world. In defiance of authoritarianism and oppression, we agree to utilize whatever means necessary to accomplish our goal of spreading liberty to all that long for it. We affirm the light of liberty will never burn out as long as there are those dedicated to its survival and, to that end, we hereby dedicate ourselves. We, the undersigned regions, do hereby for the Global Liberty Alliance.

Section I


Subsection I

The Global Liberty Alliance (hereafter referred to as the "GLA") shall consist of a single voting delegate from each signatory. These delegates shall sit on the GLA Global Council, which shall be the governing body of the GLA.

Subsection II

This Charter may be ratified by a region consist with their standard legislative method. Once a region has ratified this Charter, they may become a member of the GLA so long as the existing Council has approved their membership by a simple majority. 

Subsection III

Delegates to the High Council (hereafter referred to as the "Council") shall be appointed by whatever means their region deems necessary. Each delegate shall serve a term decided by their region, however each signatory must officially submit the Council notice of appointment upon the appointment of their delegate as well as notice of termination upon the departure of their sitting delegate. In the event of a vacancy or absence, a signatory region will not have a vote on the Council and will not contribute to the number of members of the Council until a replacement has been seated or the deputy ambassador is available to fill the void. A vacancy during an emergency will occur when a delegate is missing for twenty-four hours and a vacancy during a non-emergency will occur when a delegate is missing for one week.

Subsection IV

The Council will elect, among its leadership, a Chairman of the Council (hereafter referred to as the "Chairman") who shall be responsible to oversee the administration of the Council as well as to act as the executive of the GLA. The Chairman shall be responsible to convene the Council, preside over its proceedings, and to execute the will of the Council in all diplomatic, military, or communicative matters. The Chairman shall not retain a vote on the Council as the region which they represent shall appoint an additional Delegate to represent them following the election of the Chairman, however the Chairman will retain the power to veto a decision by the Council which may be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the Council. The Chairman shall serve a term of four months and is not limited from re-election so long as they retain their position in the Council.

Subsection V

All voting member Regions of the Council shall have a single vote on all matters before the Council and all questions, except for those otherwise addressed in this Charter, must achieve a simple majority of votes on the Council to be agreed to.

Subsection VI

The Council shall have the power, by a simple majority vote, to decide on all questions of ambiguity in this document or others affecting the GLA.

Subsection VII

The GLA shall create a joint, secure server which shall host all official and strategic business of the GLA. There shall be a monthly meeting of the Council, which shall be mandatory to attend without prior notification.

Subsection VIII

The GLA shall be a non-partisan organization and will remain immune from partisan efforts of individual regions and Delegates will be responsible to their regional governments for their positions and votes on matters before the Council.

Subsection IX

Individual nations may join the GLA Armed Forces without being a member of a member region, though they will not be represented on the Council.

Section II


Subsection I

The members of the GLA shall be diplomatic allies and shall be bound to maintain amiable diplomatic relations with each other. No signatory region may expel, banish, or open hostilities towards members of other signatory regions or the regions themselves. Actions in kind will be punishable by expulsion from the GLA by a 2/3 vote of the Council.

Subsection II

Members of the GLA shall enjoy joint diplomatic ventures at the discretion and to the extent of the wishes of member regions.

Section III


Subsection I

The Council shall form a joint military organization consisting of troops from each signatory region. The Council shall appoint the officers of this organization among the officers of the individual regions' existing armed forces. This organization will be officially referred the Global Liberty Alliance Armed Forces (hereafter referred to as GLAAF). The Chairman shall serve as Commander-in-Chief of GLAAF with the advice and consent of the Council.

Subsection II

The Council must approve all military operations. Once approved, the Chairman shall designate the Commanding Officer of the operation and that person will become the leader of GLAAF forces in that operation, but may be outranked by the Chairman or by the Chairman at the orders of the Council. The Chairman and Commanding Officer shall be responsible to devise any strategies or plans including details of military actions once the action has been approved. Individual Council Delegates shall not hold any rank in the GLAAF based solely on their status as Delegate. No individual Delegate, excluding the Chairman, shall retain any authority to command or lead troops that was not already delegated to them by the Council on account of their officer rank in their region.

Subsection III

The GLAAF shall be compelled to act defensively at the request of a signatory region or an ally of a signatory region, if the Council has approved military action. In the event of imminent danger, the Council may convene in emergency session at the order of the Chairman. 

Subsection IV

At the order of the Council, the GLAAF shall be compelled to participate in offensive operations including, but not limited to: raids, tag raids, infiltration, intelligence gathering, and Warzone games. While only the Chairman may veto military action if approved, individual member regions may elect not to contribute troops or aid to an operation with written notification to the Council. The appointed Commanding Officer is also not obligated to utilize the troops and resources of all member nations during an operation, but each operation must be approved by the Council.

Subsection V

In the event of espionage, crimes against fellow member regions, or other hostile actions as deemed by the Council, member regions may be expelled from the GLA by a 2/3 vote of the Council and classified as an enemy of the GLA.

Subsection VI

Military operations are to be classified and information regarding upcoming operations may only be distributed within the Council, to the Commanding Officer, and to participants at the discretion and to the extent of the wishes of the Commanding Officer and Chairman. Unlawful sharing of classified information shall classify as espionage and is punishable pursuant to Section II, Subsection V of this Charter.

Subsection VII

Regions may be classified as enemies of the GLA by a 2/3 vote of the Council. These regions may be targets of offensive operations, intelligence gathering, and may be monitored for potential attacks which will merit defensive operations.

Subsection VIII

If a region is an enemy of a signatory region, that nation is automatically classified as an enemy of the GLA unless the Council votes to remove that classification from it. In order for this clause to be applicable, a Delegate must present to the Council written notification of the enemy classification upon their entry into the Council.

Section IV


Subsection I

The Chairman shall be empowered, at the request of the Council, to issue official communications on behalf of the GLA. 

Subsection II

The GLA may, at the wishes of the Council, distribute updates, propaganda, and messages regarding the workings of the GLA to member regions as well as regions outside of the organization.


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