by Max Barry

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Region: the South Pacific

Anyone wanting to know their horrorscope? Haven't done any for a while and we shouldn't let the stars feel lonely due to no-one ogling at them.

Rondogg, Aliyah and erika, Hardenburg, Tuf rf 104, and 50 othersSaint rain, Auphelia, Xandev, Aidenfieeld, Vincent field, Xpert9, Spaceania, Concrete Slab, The sakhalinsk empire, Jaxon, Upperclassman, Therealxpert10, East lodge, Islas tualua, Erfton, Central swolo, Serpesia, Some open land, Nep neptunia, Proctethia, Rly8h, Dragonfarm, That one country that stole your cheezit, Drew Durrnil, Genericnormalnation, Unojo, Cuetuo, The whys, Taigama, Frandella, Pagrosse, Nation states cayo, Schelswig holstien, Somurias, A little bit of trolling, Vulbania, ARIAPOLIS01, The Xolbarian Opposition, Conference of japan, Vicky Germany, Hadrosauridilandia, Polandhuman, Ljubo, New chickenville, The Weirdo, East franceoia, German empirea, Landbang Rkipo Islands, Southern borealis, and The Muslim State of the Ummah
