by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates


Region: The East Pacific

Great algerstonia wrote:Nope. It's 100% Sony's fault. Sony was the one who wouldn't back down on the prospect itself. 50-50 would have earned BOTH sides a lot of money. Not to mention that Sony didn't try to make a counter-offer. They just straight up refused.

I kinda agree with Zuk in that both sides are at fault. Because Disney jumped from 5% to 50% with no middle offer, and Sony didn't even try to negotiate. However, I get the feeling that now, Disney is going to to do everything in their power to crush Sony Movie potential, and buy out the rights to everything Spiderman (Spiderman, Venom, Spider-Verse, etc.)

Levantin and Great algerstonia
