by Max Barry

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Region: Middle Earth

Thorin oakenshield wrote:Hmmm. George MacDonald (1824-1905). As a present-day reader, anything by him I might enjoy checking out?

Well, it depends...the ones I have read feel quite old-fashioned and quaint. But also very enjoyable, with a good amount of novel invention. They're kind of a cross between a fairy tale and a fantasy book. He's a very talented writer.

I liked The Princess and the Goblin, and At the Back of the North Wind.

Phantastes and Lilith have been on my "To Read" list for years now, but I never make the time. They seem to be his most well-regarded.

He was highly-influential on Tolkien and Lewis, so it's worthwhile to see the parts of their foundation that can be attributed to his work and life.

Personally, I prefer The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

Lady eowyn
