by Max Barry

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Region: The Coalition of Democratic Nations

لجمهورية العربية السورية
Syrian Times
1st Issue, Wednesday 6th March 2030


Assad finally gives the people Newspaper Privileges

Today our President, Bashar al-Assad has given the people the right to write and produce Newspapers for the general public.
The reason for our President to do this was quite unknown but Assad said that "The people deserve an opinion after these hard times and my people deserve there opinion to be heard, but as normal it will be checked for fake news, we 100% won't censor anything but we will be sure to check for fake news".

Bashar al-Assad and his CSGO team wins Syrian E-sports competition with flying colours

last week during our annual Syrian E-sports tournament Bashar al-Assad and his CS:GO team, Da Assads won with flying colours after beating Syrian Strikers in the finals with the score being 8:2 in the CS:GO Competitive match. Bashar al-Assad got over 27 kills during the match. some spectators criticised Assad's group for cheating or possible rigging the event, but there was no evidence and the the spectators that criticised Assad were sent to [REDACTED] to "reeducate" them about how Godly Assad's powers are in game form.

Bashar al-Assad supports invasion of Afghanistan by Karthspirije

Our President made a speech yesterday about the invasion of Afghanistan by Karthspirije and how he supported this action. He said "The Invasion of Afghanistan by Karthspirije has shocked some of us today but in my eyes I see this as a show of strength to the world from our allies and the invasion was in good intention of the people there to liberate them of there troubles and help them embrace their as friends not foe, And in this I shall congratulate them for their swift victory and that Allah may bless them in combat" Assad also said later on that if Karthspirije needs help then Syria will lay down its life to help a nation that layed theirs during our hardship


- Empire of Lietoviekii expansion of airforce

- Karthspirije invades Afghanistan

- Goverment Elections in The Greater Moluccas

Ascoobis, Nordamy, Karthspirije, and Lietoviekii
