by Max Barry

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Region: Africa

Bangova wrote:the entire Pan Berber Union has been annexed by Bangova with the new land annexed Sargeron is now the 3rd largest city in Bangova and Bechar is the 12th largest city with muslims in the north being treated to new homes as the hyperloop system will connect Bechar and Sargeron to the rest of Bangova with now civilian resistance due to the improvement of high tech infrastructure in South Bangova as the Berber majority in the former Nations of Karnatania and Sahnaria are now being treated with modern infrastructure as Mehmed Al-Fasa was killed when the "Boom" Hit Sargeron as the millions of oppresed people under the military dictatorship rejoice and are given Bangovan Citizenship many of their shops and workplaces are being rebuilt as transportation in the area gets better with Airport improvements and building a second capital in Bechar as the home of the Parliament and Military but Aydin will remain the home of the President Prime Minister and Minister of Defense the reason for Bechar being the second capital is for the nation to remain stable instead of the north having all the power as the members of the military dictatorship lead by Mehmed Al-Fasa where known to also die in airstrikes like the military dictator as Bechar and Sargeron's commercial and official centers are being rebuilt thus ending the Pan Berber state however with the President Being Arab the Prime Minister will have to be Berber the newly elected Prime Minister Hassan Guerguera an Anti-Karnatania activist who lived in Bechar as a pro Muhhamadura and JBM Supporter and Soldier during the revolution surprisingly was Berber with DNA testing as he will take office as Prime Minister of the Republic Of Bangova

there is also no way that you would ever find those booms all of what you did was unrealistic and even if I was annexed it wouldn't last long since that is way too much land annexed in one swoop

Floating republika srpska
