by Max Barry

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Region: Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region

Was away for most of the discussion of CHAZ, police brutality, etc. Apologies for typos, on my phone and I have auto-correct turned off.

I would like to chime in and state that there is a problem with unaddressed police brutality that exists alongside of legitimate use of force by cops. The two get confused and conflated often. Over 1,000 people a year are killed by police and thats been the case since this data has been tracked. The majority of those deaths are justified.

Blacks are over-represented in these deaths (28% of deaths, 13% of population) on the basis of population. However, on the basis of crime victimization surveys, and FBI statistics, blacks are represented equally based on crimes committed. I'm black. I'm not saying every black person is a criminal. Far from it. The majority of people of every race are law abiding and peaceful. We are discussing the extreme groups of different populations. A small difference in criminality rates at the edge cases can result in large discrepancies in numbers. If 1.5% of the white population is pre-disposed to criminality, and 3% of the black population is, we are still talking about a tiny minority within largely peaceful populations.

The majority of people killed by police are white, which makes sense, because white people are the majority within the population.

The problem I have is that when police negligently kill someone that posed no threat, the police are treated completely different than the average citizen.

A 16 year old boy was shot and killed by a police officer when he answered the door holding a white Wii remote. The officer was not responding to a violent threat and no threat was presented. His name was Christopher Roupe, the cop who shot him saw no charges, this was manslaughter at the very least.

An unarmed businessman was made to crawl on his hands and knees towards an officer in his hotel while sobbing and pleading for his life. He was shot when his shorts fell down, and he died. His name was Daniel Shaver. The cop was acquitted and is currently collecting a pension paid for by taxpayers. This was also manslaughter at the least.

In 2014 the police shot and killed Daniel Boyd for camping in a public space. In the video they threw a flash bang grenade at him, then shot him when he turned his back on the explosion, he was unarmed other than a camping knife the length of my thumbnail. While he lay on the ground paralyzed and gasping for air they sicced a dog on him and then shot him with several bean bag rounds from close range. No charges.

In 2011 Kelly Thomas was beaten to death. He was initially uncooperative to being searched and arrested but submitted after being tased. The officers however ignored him and beat him unconscious, and then continued to beat him until he was brain dead. The officers (and the entire PD) lied about having sustained broken bones from a fight for an entire month, until it came out that they had no injuries sustained. They were all found not guilty at trial.

I could keep going on forever. These cases saw barely any media attention. And police reform should have been focused on more accountability for these cases. But marxists have taken over something they dont understand or have amy interest in and are using it for their own end goals. No police at all (lol), just social workers getting 6 figures to timidly stand on the sidelines. I have several guns, thousands of rounds of ammunition, I already carry everywhere I go, I'm not worried about myself. But I wonder if they're prepared to live in the world they desire, at least the Marxists that don't have private security anyways (MN city council already has their own private security). I do worry about my Mom, but she's finally come around to the idea of learning to shoot and I took her to the range during my last visit. I'd like to buy her a .22 so she has something when I'm not there. I feel sorry for people who don't have the means or the interest to arm themselves and train, one day the mob will be after them.

Reed audio and Mazel
