by Max Barry

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Region: New World Union

Sernatiao wrote:We Accept your help you have open borders to do anything within our country to find them.

An Gooutofherean elite policeman called a Judge arrived.
Judge Reagan Booth, a woman with long red hair surveys the bombsite.
"Firstly, go through the CCTV footage. See what you can find the suspects and how they got in and how they got here.
If you know the suspects identities, search where they live. I would like bank details, DNA samples and also pollen samples taken to see if they have been travelling anywhere unusual, foreign and to see if they have been hanging around with any other undesirables. Also bring in their laptops and computer devices. Bring their nearest and dearest in as well. I have a lie detector here use it on them, it's very good. So hopefully we won't have to resort to truth drugs or worse." She gives the lie detector device to a sernatio lawman.

She then starts to scan where one of the bombs went off " I am scanning for explosives residue and for pieces of the bomb. It's like bullet ballistics. I get enough bomb pieces. I can make a holographic image of what the bomb looked like. Then we can work out where the bombmaker learned his craft then. They all have a certain style depending on where they learnt their trade.
If we are luckier still, I might find something physically to identify the bombmaker with. I suspect the bombmaker would not be with the bomb planting team. His expertise would be too valuable to the terrorists." She taps a button on her scanner and continues to work.

The democratic nation of unovia, The Unified American Federation, Amaabj, Sernatiao, and 1 otherLibertarian canada 1
