by Max Barry

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Region: the South Pacific

I am not sure why youse guys want to me to run for Delegate but I am honored that you want it. Thank you for believing in me.


Okie so we all know that I have no skills when it comes to graphics, we leave that to Amerion because he is awesome at it. BUT I do sometimes have skills with words and I guess that counts?

Most of you are probably wondering what a Penguin can bring to the Delegate seat. I know I am. However, I have given this a lot of thought and I think that I can bring Me to the Delegacy.

I have been in this region a long time and in that time TSP has become a home away from home so to speak. When things aren’t working IRL, I can come here and know that I can count on the friends that I have made to be a constant source of something. I know that many of you see me as a mother hen figure and while I try not to be, I care about a great many of you. (Whether that is to my detriment is to be determined.) I feel like this can be useful for the Face of the Region as that is what I see the Delegate, while not having all of the Powwah to control everything, I would like to think I could be like the Queen and be a Regal Figurehead that brings hope and a steadfastness to the region. One must be welcoming but firm. One cannot be standoffish but must be of the people. I try to take the time to get to know as many of the people as I can and while I can’t say that I know everyone because that is A LOT of people, I know enough to know that we have a great group here. I also know that I could stand to be a bit more present on the RMB, and I really am trying to work on that.

I know that it has been quite a while since I was last elected to anything. And while I did hold the RA title at the end of last term, that was more of an appointment so while I will count it as a post, it doesn’t count. I may not be the most hip and up to date when it comes to WA or even FA adventures but I am trying. I read a lot and what I don’t understand I file away for later to ask questions about or research on my own.

I don’t have a plan. I don’t have grand graphics or a way to make everyone like us even though they should. I will trust those who know more than I do to inform me if I question things. I believe that the best leader doesn't know everything and has room to always learn. I will do my best to be the best for TSP and for myself. I hold TSP to be my home and if elected, I will do my best to continue to keep it as Wonderful as it is and maybe help make it better.

I hope y’all find this acceptable.

And if you feel this is cheesy, it probably is.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.

Read dispatch

Folks of TSP - I put forth my campaign for your consideration.
Thank you for your time and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Shangyuen wrote:I highly doubt you even know what Thallium is

Mostly used in electronics - Just because I have a cute name, doesn't mean I am not an intelligent person ;-) Take your judgmentalness elsewhere please and thanks! :-)

Amerion, Auphelia, Proctethia, Briteannia, and 3 othersSteampunk engineers, Melicorium, and Purple Hyacinth
