by Max Barry

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Region: Cape of Good Hope

Aerlanica wrote:At that moment a flash of blue light caught the attention of a Revolyutsiyan sentry, who instantly looked up past the Lawithonian vessels and seeing the Roxium fleets. Sounding the alarm, the bridgehead was placed on high alert, with the Lawithonian fleets instructed to keep an eye on the Roxium vessels. Several officers argued that the Roxium fleet was violating the exclusion zone. However the debate was settled (and a possible confrontation avoided) when several others argued that the exclusion zone was for the atmosphere and since they were in space, were not subject to the exclusion zone.

Instead, a message was sent to the Roxium forces;
"This is Alice Poole, current supreme commander of the Signatories forces in the zone. Do not fire upon the new arrivals, we are currently brokering a peace with them and any aggressive actions could jeopardise many innocent lives in the region. The situation is currently being brought under control. As such I must also request you keep any and all assets out of the atmosphere at the time being. I await your response with patience."

Revolyutsiyan Arctic Base
The Revolyutsiyan sentry who witnessed the entry of the Roxium ships runs into the hastily constructed command container (to ward of the arctic weather shipping containers were modified to house a squad of soldiers while others were changed to act as hospitals or command posts) and informs the acting officer, Colonel Gregory Macintosh, about the developments. In response he says "Comrades we need to begin digging trenches and move the few anti aircraft guns we have to be set up just in case things get dicey. Now get on with it."
An hour or so later, a trench line is setup around the camp and bears a stark similarity to that of the Battle of Hoth from Star Wars.
Seeing this the Colonel chuckles then says "I hope we don't get massacred like they did in the movie."
Walking back into the command container Colonel Macintosh he orders "Contact Aerlanican General Poole and ask what our next move should be."

Deuschmailt, Lawithon, and Baldwin Park
