by Max Barry

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Region: the South Pacific

Volaworand wrote:🐧Strengthen your region through exchanging fish!🐧

Treekidistan wrote:Exchanging seeds of the Holy Mother Tree

Melicorium wrote:I think exchanging roasted sunflower seeds would be better.

Volaworand wrote:Well so long as I get to vomit up whatever it is you will be eating, it's all good!

Shush! If Admiral Delegate General of the South Pacific, His Supreme Majesty of all Ice Cream, Admiral-General Dentist Doctor Stewie G., the Magnificent Ultimate Leader of all of NationStates, King of Kings, Democratic President and Prime-Minister-For-Life, Invincible and All-Triumphant Lord Commander, Chief Ophthalmologist and board-certified Dermatologist of the South Pacific Special Forces, Brilliant Genius of Humanity, Noble Prize winner in everything but Peace, and Benevolent Oppressor and Ruthless Protector of the Expendable People of Amerion, Amerion or his guard hear that you are eating any food other than ice cream, he’ll execute you all!

*Hands you all a slip of paper saying If you wish to eat other foods, come to 3 Llama Street, Pietown*

Drystar, Aidenfieeld, Volaworand, Melicorium, and 3 othersWi sd ea d, Purple Hyacinth, and Shangyuen
