by Max Barry

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Region: The United Ascendancy

Suvmia-1 wrote:Citizens of The United Ascendancy,

As all of you should be aware, we have made the decision to merge into The Democratic Republic. While you are by no means obligated to come along with us when we go, I highly encourage you to come with us to TDR and settle there as your new home. This region will be kept as is, with a password, for you to look back on. Our discord server is currently being transitioned into serving as the Party HQ for a new political party in TDR, but we will still support our Roleplay there. I also encourage you to join the discord server of The Democratic Republic, with this invite (

I would like to speak to you as your President one final time. We have had a good run over the past 2 years, and while I am sad to be the last, I am happy to have been able to serve us over these past two terms. While we do remain a community by moving together to this next chapter of our NS lives, I know that some of you will go your separate ways, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. For those of you that are sticking with us, and moving to The Democratic Republic, I urge you to reflect on the past two years here; on what you've done, what you've seen, and who you've met. I hope that you've enjoyed your time here as much as I have. The jubilation of our success at N-Day, being elected to government, joining the URA, or the immense frustration of watching Orca and Narwhal and Laudesia argue.
God Bless, everyone.

Or watching me win landslide victories in elections only to propose 4 bills 1 of which passed.

