by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

Icewindia wrote:RP: The Icewindian Liberation War - Great Tengerina War

Marshall Hemlock was lucky to be away from HQ inspecting the Front-lines when the War took off. As HQ along with many Barracks and facilities were blown up in Initial attack. Marshall Hemlock begins to organize an Fighting Retreat to the Bunkers. Bunkers being filled with ammunition, Men and Guns at Defenses at the King Wallace Line.

Massive Anti-Air System while incomplete begins to kick in and fire Anti-Air Missiles. With Many Hordes of Icewindian Interceptors attacking Enemy Airforce. Icewindian Air-force trying to defend there Homeland. Many understood that if Icewindia fell then Horde of the West would expand across the Continent. Ironically the Communists and Reactionaries were Forced to work together against the Greater Threat in the West. Everyone knew the coming Battle at King Wallace Defense Line was about to take Place.

RP: ILA Marches Forward.

2,000 Small Force continues forth and one such Local has stepped Forward trying to lead it. A Local Human named Robert Pickett, while an Icewindian Nationalist he views Monarchy and Wolfinites as Threat overall to Continental Stability.

RP: Securing the City

With Wolfengrad on the line, and the threat of it falling far too high of a risk, the Wolfinites begin moving into Wolfengrad to secure and heavily defend it, the front is ordered to begin aligning to the King Wallace Line with the Icewindians as defensive structures kick into action as Wolfinite AA Guns light up on Blayredeshian Targets. The Navy at sea begins moving in to blockade Blayredeshia and open fire on military targets within a few nautical miles. The Air Force also begins lifting into the air as fighters and interceptors scream off the runway of the carrier and in the Rhine. The Navy begins moving to also protect the Carrier at all costs.

Woleve Atraland wrote:RP: Gang Warfare
As the war kicks off, the roughly 600,000 Knights of Sol in the north of Atraland spread out, covering the coastlines. The rapidly mobilizing air force begins running sorties of A-22s and SIA-35s over Atralandian airspace, ensuring no enemy craft will infiltrate it. A group of MRBM stations within range of Icewindia open fire with a salvo of 120 missiles, aimed at various ports and dockyards along Icewindia's coast. Meanwhile, the Deepwater fleet currently patrolling the Sea of Letanrica has begun movements west, preparing to completely cut off Icewindia from the global trade network once they enter the Sea of Helandriel with the hopes of totally collapsing the rapidly failing Icewindian economy. An array of spy satellites positioned over Tengarina have begun photographing enemy troops and positions in Icewindia, using the information to guide MRBMs and bombing strikes with accuracy as well as sharing the information with Blayredeshia to ensure total information of enemy movements. It seems Atraland is preparing for the worst, an all-out war, with total mobilization of all active-duty troops and with reserves ordered not to go beyond 60 miles of their bases, it is expected to be a bloody one.

Sol Invictus Mikhov II gave a speech today on the matter:
"For all of our history, we have opposed communism. Communism, the great filth that it is, seeks to turn man into machine. It wishes to crush the inherent spirit of man and to beat them into subservience to the state and to the masses. These machines wish to control you, they are unnatural abominations who feel only hate for those fortunate or skilled enough to end up above them, but it is our belief that we are not machines. We differ from this filth by our soul and our spirit, by our drive that carries the Wolevan folk above and beyond, the very spirit that has formed our mighty nation, the spirit that crushed the national unionists in the civil war, the spirit that has led to the greatest period in Wolevan history! But these subhumans wish to take that, not only from you and from me; but from our noble brothers in Icewindia. They have subverted the will of the people they claim to liberate, and have already betrayed all they claim to stand for. Liberation is not found in equality of outcomes, but by equality of opportunity. What good is a life without achievement? Would you rather wake up tomorrow and do good work, knowing that you are furthering yourself, your people, your culture, or would you rather wake up and work for some communist rat that takes all you've built for yourself and gives it to the lazy? We liberated ourselves many decades ago under the command of my great father, the Son of Sol, Mikhov the First, and now we will liberate our brothers and sisters of Tengerina. Already our great crusaders have launched their first strikes against this red menace, and soon we will drive them out of this shared land, and then out of the world entirely. Where communists hide, death, fear, and destruction follow. We will not allow ourselves or anyone around us to fall prey to this menace. Let those cowards know that as we come for them, Sol watches over us!"

RP: Total Withdrawl
All units stationed in North hyechon have begun leaving alongside Blayredeshia, as they pull out, they've distributed their weapons, ammo, and explosives to the various peasants and rebels they once suppressed, apparently hoping to bolster the forces of the North so it will be a greater threat to the Wolfenites.

RP: Armed and ready

With Atraland now involved, the Republic begins powering up of the Communications and Spy Satellites in orbit around Kalrania, most trained on the front, however, some keep close tabs in the Sea of Helandriel as well as Hycheon. The Fleet and troops in North hyechon are to continue operations as normal, as well stopping Atraland from supporting the Communists. With Atraland also arming their missiles, the Republic does the same, not only at Atraland, but Blayredeshia in case of a pre-emptive strike. Missile defense systems are on standby in undisclosed locations.

Schwypia wrote:RP: Changing Tides

With the Eruption of war in Icewindia, Schwypia changes its stance on Blayredeshia's airlift. As Schwypia is friends with the Werewolf Islands, whom Blayredeshia is now at war with, the Schwypian government tells the Blayredeshians that their deal is unfortunately off. Subsequently, Schwypia declares their support for the Wolfinite Republic in their struggle. Prime Minister Hethwyr stated that while Schwypia will not engage in this war, they will provide aid to the Wolfinites by supplying military and medical equipment to them. This announcement comes months before the General Elections, where PM Hethwyr is looking to secure a third term as Prime Minister in what should be a fierce campaign.

Additionally, with the Blayredeshian Army close to Schwypia's borders, the National Guard garrison along the northern border is increased in case the Blayredeshians feel vengeful.

RP: An ally indeed

The Republic thanks and accepts the Schwypian support as a close friend to the nation.

RP: Commanders

With things running two different ways, Hemlock is given control of the Wolfinite Land Army in Icewindia to better command, as for Catherine, although charges are not yet dropped, she'll be given back her navy under heavy supervision to stop any ships from entering the Sea of Helandriel.

RP: Emperor I guess

With Icewindia in need of an Emperor, or somebody in charge...for a bit...Wolfy appoints Emperor Hiro as Emperor of Icewindia as to solidify Icewindian Legitimacy, though when elections are held, the Emperor's power will be held back.

Candain, Schwypia, and Blayredeshia
