by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Aivintis wrote:Following the Ankobrystani statement, Chief Director Metternich was emboldened to take a public stance, denouncing West Sminishia as an illegitimate government, a restless actor destabilizing the good nation-state of Sminishia that needs to be put down, announcing diplomatic support for the legitimate government of Sminishia as the true holder of law and order in Sminishia, regardless of economic differences, and a Slavic brother. The Directorate will not be sending any economic or military assistance to Sminishia, but will accept refugees with open arms and will not bar any of its companies from conducting business with Sminishia.

now im in computer

The Socijalistička Republika Sminishija send thanks for diplomatic and moral support. They are fine without military assistance.
