by Max Barry

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Region: Africa

Construction of the Genesis Symphony, (2015)


After 4 ships being sailing across the east Africa globe, the leader of the conglomerate
has discussed of having a new ship for the Dream class. advancing with a processing
project that has been on for several days.
This would be the last ship of the Dream class, after almost going bankrupt twice after
the descending of Genesis Explorer in 2016, and the collision between a sailing boat
last month.


The governal officer of Genesis Line catechized with the following condemn:
إذا صنعنا السفينة ، بعد الاصطدام بمركب شراعي الأسبوع الماضي ، فلماذا نصنع واحدة جديدة إذا كانت تكلف ، لا أعرف ، 15 مليون دولار؟ "If we do make the ship, after the collision with a sailboat last week, why manufacture a new one if it costs like, i Dont know, 15 million dollars?"
ليس فقط عن طريق ضرب مركب شراعي صغير ، ولكن لدينا ما يكفي من الإثراءات لإعدادها أو زيادتها بواسطة آخر سفينة من الفئة غير المقسمة؟ "Not just by striking a tiny sailboat, but we have the enough enrichments to set up or augment about by the last ship of the undivided class?"
The Founder had enough and just sat up the blueprints anyway.


The Genesis Line sat up the blueprint 2 days ago, acting like it was just wonted with the founder checking up on them every 2 hours.
الداخلية هي تماما. لكن بناء السفينة سيظل مجهولا في هذا البلد الناطق بالعربية. يجب على الشعرية أن تبني نظرية للخطاب الأدبي لهذا الإتقان المضخم. "The interior is completely done. But the construction of the ship will remain unknown in this Arab-speaking country. The Poetics SHOULD construct a theory of literary discourse for this magnifying masterpiece."
Until the construction officer came up and said the construction would take place in Zeila instead of Bosaso. a Wealthy Businessman.


The construction is still working in progress in Zeila.
See the construction of
the Genesis Symphony
on my factbook im working
sooner in this preview.

- Kankundo
