by Max Barry

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Slavic lechia

Let me just state something. Democracy is flawed and all ways of voting are not applicable universally, just like government types and economic ideologies. You can only point out ideologies which will not work in any case, but not the opposite. I follow up the words of Aristotle and say "Democracy is the way for the majority to legally oppress the minority as much as the majority feels is not bad enough to stop doing it" in the same way works any other government type.

The only difference being that the words "majority" and "minority" are swapped with many different ones, including but not limited to "the people", "the party", "the men", "the women", "the Muslims", "the Jews", "The Pope", "The Fiftists"... You can literally put anything in there and you have just another type of government, or political ideology, including anarchism... Let me demonstrate:

"Anarchy is the way for the united to legally oppress the weak as much as the united feel is not bad enough to stop doing it"

In the end every single political system to be good needs the people in power to be good people and without addressing the problem within the minds of the people we can never achieve any good political state. If you say "Moralistic democracy then", then let me tell you that moral standards change over time even within one group like religion for example... Is an attack on Israel and murdering all the people, animals and insects in there moral? Why was it moral for ancient Jews then? What if a prophet said God ordered it today? What if the Pope did? What if majority of the atheists in the world democratically voted on the idea and determined it would be beneficial for the overall society?

I do not believe in right and wrong. I believe in a path to good. Evil is lack of good, and comparing two, we assume one is evil, because the other has more good in it. "Democracy is the worst system, but it's the best one we've tried so far" works only in the US, as many European countries for example had their golden ages during the rules of monarchs and China is the wealthiest it has ever been in the modern times during a social-capitalist regime. The poor are always and will always be. There will always be at least one person who does not get along with the economy, or doesn't understand it with no guilt of their own and I say it as a poor person myself. The answer is not politics but yourself.

If we ourselves become better people, no matter the system we are in, including but not limited to absolute totalitarian autocracy, with good people in power and many good people to support them, the society will become better. Changes and attempts at creating a system which prevents the evil people from power is impossible, as even if such a system could be created, it can always be easily solved by the good people dying eventually and the evil people taking charge and changing the system. The good can even make more freedoms or rights or both, which could be used by the evil to make it not work in the end. If you have one totalitarian but benevolent leader and evil in society, then they will take over, even if they are not majority, if given the chance... If you have a democratic nation with mostly good people in it, they can be fooled eventually by the evil who eventually will change the laws and rules so they can have more power.

There is nothing which can save us from ourselves, so the only answer is to change ourselves so we are no longer dangerous to us. If there is no evil, or not enough evil to lead, then there won't be any evil. Political systems, legal changes, revolutions and elections are just temporary removals of the evil, in other words a delay of the avoidable. I didn't say inevitable, as I hope and believe it is avoidable, but we don't know a way yet.

That's something I would like to discuss about, instead of engaging in actual political debate. Try to prove me wrong, or agree with me. Feel free to say "It's true, but we need x" just to find that I will agree with you. We need many Xes... Order, freedom, justice... It cannot be achieved by doing nothing, but I do not wish to agitate into any ideology or government type, including the lack of it as they all have the same rotten root, which is humanity. We are our greatest enemy and our only ally. Which is poetic and would be deep, except it's not, as it's literally the basics understood by the children and avoided by the adults, to the point in which they can't anymore and either indulge in fixing the temporary problems, or exploiting them.

I am not advocating for nihilism, as it is also useless... Things matter and doing nothing won't make you feel better. Acknowledge that you're helpless and you hate it and then accept it and try your best to fail anyway. This is the only way to live a meaningful life. Doing things knowing you will fail, not in order to fail or succeed, but in order to do them. I'm not advocating for complete hedonism, as I previously said "things matter" and they are not just material things or pleasure. Hedonism is just another way of attempting to distance yourself from the reality, by making yourself pink blindfolds. I am not advocating for conformity, or tribalism as they are the same thing as hedonism, just different blindfolds... Take them off and see the world as a true disaster it actually is and then learn to accept it. After that you're not really free, as nobody is ever truly free, for all have boundaries.

What will you get from that? Nothing... as the truth about the current world gives you nothing. The future may bring hope and the past may give it too, but in the end that's all you can have from the truth. If you learn to accept the truth and the lack of reward in it, you'll have peace. Those are not my words alone and they are not worth any more than the words of any other man, for this is surely just another blindfold which I can't see yet... I would call it the last stage of grief... I guess I had grief for existence itself...

Slavic lechia

Roborian wrote:Broadly speaking, I agree with the basis of this take (highlighting the most relevant portions to be succinct), but I think your response to it is not the correct one. Given what you state, the task ought to be how to best construct a system that navigates the hazards and mitigates the evils, and I'll lay that thought process out here.

Thank you for joining the discussion, but I'm not going to comment on the parts regarding said system, as my point is not to make a system. I don't have any political point in this. I was just stating my opinion on politics in general. I have my "favorite" political systems, but it was not my intention to talk about them while posting this as I mentioned in said post.

Roborian wrote:

This seems to be your ultimate conclusion, and it is one that I would agitate against, because I think it is ultimately fallacious. Human wickedness does not affect every ideology or government type to an identical level, because not every ideology or government type is set up with the same view of humanity in mind. Human wickedness is not entropy, not something that universally degrades as a universal constant, it is, by nature of being 'human' wickedness, tied into human ability, action, and tendencies, and thus affects different structures in different ways, in the same way that a rising tide's affect on what is on the beach will depend on just how what is on the beach is constructed. Systems that either broadly ignore human wickedness or go completely backwards and promote a belief in innate human goodness are the most vulnerable because their construction allows for easy abuse when the reality of that wickedness rises. By contrast, systems which either acknowledge human wickedness, or go further and build themselves off of understanding human wickedness as a fundamental constant, are better able to withstand it through deliberate design.

The basic argument that the deep flaws of humanity ultimate degrade and harm any and all political systems is true, but the response to that must not be to declare all systems to be equally bad because they are all imperfect, but find out which works out the best under imperfect circumstances. Lacking a 100% sure-fire means of success does not mean that both the 90% successful and 10% successful solutions should be equally dismissed as imperfect, one clearly better works in a flawed world.

I agree and never stated otherwise. I meant that no system is superior in all cases, including the lack of any system. I am not advocating a rejection of all systems as we all need one, but am rather advocating for an educational approach instead of a political one... Call me a philosophy-nerd or a neo-aristotle-ist and you'll be right. Platonist is also true... My main conclusion is not that humanity is the root of all evil, but rather that there is no magical system which will work in all cases, including democracy, capitalism and all the systems which existed before.

Roborian wrote:

The acknowledgement of any systemic problem, fundamental human failings included, ought to be followed not by dismissing the systems affected by that problem, but finding or establishing the one that best combats it.

I didn't do any of it. I do not dismiss all systems, nor endorse one as the best, as there is no "best". Different people and different places are that. Different. That means different systems will better work in said places, and making others eat lasagna just because you like it and it makes your life better is not a good idea, especially if someone inherently hates it for religious reasons, moralistic reasons or health reasons and even the basic reason of not being able to afford it.

Lasagna being a political system and people being societal groups of any given variety, or size. I do not accept the notion of singularity in politics, or life in general, not endorse nihilism or anarchism as you imply.

Slavic lechia wrote:

Thank you for joining the discussion, but I'm not going to comment on the parts regarding said system, as my point is not to make a system. I don't have any political point in this. I was just stating my opinion on politics in general. I have my "favorite" political systems, but it was not my intention to talk about them while posting this as I mentioned in said post.

I agree and never stated otherwise. I meant that no system is superior in all cases, including the lack of any system. I am not advocating a rejection of all systems as we all need one, but am rather advocating for an educational approach instead of a political one... Call me a philosophy-nerd or a neo-aristotle-ist and you'll be right. Platonist is also true... My main conclusion is not that humanity is the root of all evil, but rather that there is no magical system which will work in all cases, including democracy, capitalism and all the systems which existed before.

I didn't do any of it. I do not dismiss all systems, nor endorse one as the best, as there is no "best". Different people and different places are that. Different. That means different systems will better work in said places, and making others eat lasagna just because you like it and it makes your life better is not a good idea, especially if someone inherently hates it for religious reasons, moralistic reasons or health reasons and even the basic reason of not being able to afford it.

Lasagna being a political system and people being societal groups of any given variety, or size. I do not accept the notion of singularity in politics, or life in general, not endorse nihilism or anarchism as you imply.

I did not mean to imply that you endorse nihilism or anarchism, but I think that your underlying point, while accurate in its most basic form, is one that I think you stretch out too far. I agree that there is no magic system that works in every case, but I think the nature of politics is far from the "lasagna" example, which seems to simplify it down to preference on the 'don't make others eat lasagna just because you like it' line. Taste is a broadly subjective thing, some people like lasagna, some do not, and there is no arbiter that declares one taste right and another taste wrong. Political systems would be more comparable to assessing health benefits in that, while circumstances can vary and occasionally require a different approach, one can fairly objectively state that certain options provide a greater benefit than others in the great majority of cases regardless of personal preference or 'favorites', akin to my thoughts on systems of government.

These few posts from Roborian and Slavic lechia are reminding me of an Introduction to Political Theory course. xD

Slavic lechia

Slavic lechia

Roborian wrote:I did not mean to imply that you endorse nihilism or anarchism, but I think that your underlying point, while accurate in its most basic form, is one that I think you stretch out too far. I agree that there is no magic system that works in every case, but I think the nature of politics is far from the "lasagna" example, which seems to simplify it down to preference on the 'don't make others eat lasagna just because you like it' line. Taste is a broadly subjective thing, some people like lasagna, some do not, and there is no arbiter that declares one taste right and another taste wrong. Political systems would be more comparable to assessing health benefits in that, while circumstances can vary and occasionally require a different approach, one can fairly objectively state that certain options provide a greater benefit than others in the great majority of cases regardless of personal preference or 'favorites', akin to my thoughts on systems of government.

I still would argue that it's not the case and some people might just not be interested in the benefits which others hold dear, while being interested in other ones. Real world is not an objective standards world. There is no bar called "life quality" and while some say something raises it, other say the same thing lowers it instead.

I am a philosopher though and don't look at the world materialistically, but more esoterically.

The fact check of Trump on CNN that is circulating around today is a great example of how fact-checking is poorly done: many of the points "fact checked" are not false but (1) obviously rhetorical (they may exaggerate or simplify, but communicate a perceived reality that is not unreasonable) or (2) arguments that can actually made even if you can make strong arguments against them (i.e. whether Trump is the best President for black Americans since Lincoln), or (3) actually true (i.e. 9 million jobs created) even if you could add further context (20 million jobs lost).

Democracy is flawed because, like communism, it isn’t actually possible. There are elements of democracy in most republics (and a few autocracies), but the ideal of “governed by the people” is too nebulous and amathematical to actually exist. Every voting system creates a flaw that leaves another group disenfranchised. But even if there wasn’t one, systems would still be republican and not truly democratic.

Slavic lechia

To me democracy is about accountable leaders and free speech. Voting is just a mechanism to gauge public opinion - - the most important aspect is the open conversation, not the score counting. So of course, majorities can be wrong and often are, but that's just systems being flawed, and is just different ways to translate conversation into law. Democracy, at its core, is listening to people who disagree with you.

Hello Right to Life, here are your updated stocks. Now’s the time to invest, buy shares, sell shares, renew your investments, add companies, or buy power ups in the shop. It’s also recommended to invest in other people’s companies due to the new karma points system that increases the value of companies that do invest in others. Anyways, here are the values

This stock market will be for companies from nations in the Labyrinth’s embassy regions to expand and make more money. Through the stock market, values will determine investments and due to the wide accessibility of this stock market, companies are guaranteed to make at least some sort of profit. The number besides the company is it’s value in the stock market, one point is equal to 1 million Jilars. The money companies earn will not come from the state, instead, they will come from the revenue made from their products, locations, or to put it simply, from the client. The + or - sign besides the companies indicate whether the company’s value has risen or fallen since last week’s report. The number besides the + or - signs indicates by exactly how much it rose or fell.
In addition, every company on the stock market will get a weekly pay of 100 million Jilars. 85% of the stock market’s profits will go to the companies while 15% will go to PeePeePooPooCaCa. The nation with the largest company in each sector of the market receives a trading card, nations are limited to one card. The card is uncommon if the sector has less than five different nations, rare if it has more than five but less than ten, and epic/legendary if the sector has more than 10 nations.
Every investment by a nation into a company that doesn’t belong to them will be rewarded with karma points. The nation receives 1k for an investment lower than 500 million dollars, 2k for an investment between 500 million and 999,999,999, and 3k for an investment above 1 billion. Karma points are transferred to stock points and are added onto the nation’s companies’ values.
Nations can also buy power ups to boost companies’ values. There shall be four original power ups, but more can be added by other nations if Peepeepoopoocaca approves of them. The creator of a new power up can use it for free the first time he or she wants it. Otherwise, all nations wishing to buy a power up should pay its fee using the nation’s companies’ stock points. The nation does not have a bought power up anymore if he or she don’t pay the power up’s renewal fee in time, or Peepeepoopoocaca decides to terminate the nation’s power up privilege. All power ups shall be bought in the shop down below.
In addition to the karma points system, there will also be another type of external investment. They’re called shares, which essentially means that the company you invest in has to repay you in the form of a dividend. A dividend is calculated using a percentage system, which means that a nation’s share is also it’s dividend. For example, if a nation holds a 20% share of a company, then the company being invested in needs to give the shareholder 20% of weekly profits. So if that company makes 10k points in a week, 2k go to the shareholder. Dividends and shares investments are overall pretty good as they don’t have to be renewed as frequently as karma investments, but they require more negotiation, as the shareholder nation and company representative nation both need to agree on the terms of the investment. The shareholder now possesses a share in said company, and they can sell shares whenever they feel they don’t need said share anymore, for example, when a company’s doing poorly. Shares that are sold on the market are registered as initial public offerings, or IPOs. The number in brackets besides the listed shares down below is the current revenue being made by that company’s share, which is the same as the share price. The whole point of buying and seeking shares is to buy at low prices, and sell at high prices whenever the stockholder honks it’s right.
There will be banks stationed across PPPPCC and elsewhere that will help to fund and monetarily aid the companies in the stock market. A good way to do this will be through loans, which will be eventually paid back by interest. To buy a loan, first choose a bank in which you will form a partnership with and buy loans from them in the future. This bank is now called your ‘partnership bank’. Now, specify the amount of money that will be required to fund the buyer’s project(s), and then, you’re expected to pay back a certain amount of interest within a certain time span. One credit point is equal to 100 stock points and vice versa. On top of this, companies will be able to deposit any money (aka stock points) they currently posses to the bank, and withdraw it whenever they please. As a side note, you’re allowed to change your partnership bank whenever you want, but you have to make an agreement with both banks.
This stock market’s plan is to give companies a fair chance and open up in new lands with new markets and new opportunities. This will never be a stock market established due to corporate greed. We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request.

For a place to discuss the stock market, ask questions, roleplay scenarios with your companies, and arrange further deals, create an alternate account or submit Embassy requests and join the Inter regional stock market region.

The San Juarez Stock Exchange in San Juarez, PPPPCC



Megasoft (Plus Nova Imperii) - 227K +21K
Genesis Space Tech (The Rouge Christmas State) - 85K -18K
Urukian Computers Co. (Urukian) - 150K +7K
Movey Tech (Moveyrsearlandez) - 109K -15K
Roder (Otterse) - 110K -13K
Mahjanji (Indoinastan) - 177K +3K
GovernmentAndy Inc. (Isolationstan) - 138K +3K
Mecham (Isolationstan) - 144K +8K
The Twitter (Mukh) - 128K +2K
Tokyo Novum Space Tech (Novos romanos) - 148K +3K


Data Corp (The Rouge Christmas State) - 88K -18K
Regal Infotech (Port ashley) - 71K -18K
Annoying Discord Bots (Arcane the bot) - 126K +2K
MegaBit (Edington) - 109K -7K
Emporious (Novos romanos) - 142K +4K
Genos-Aelia company (Romaniche) - 188K +30K


Pristine Urukian Fishing Co. (Urukian) - 76K +13K


The Duke National Bank (The Rouge Christmas State) - 52K -18K
Pankki Aussandri (Aussandries) - 108K +8K
Sheffield Preudential Bank (Port ashley) - 32K -18K
Pan-Caribbean Bank (Port ashley) - 26K -18K
Natona Banca de’Belac (The belacian states) - 114K +13K
Searland Stock Exchange (Moveyrsearlandez) - 67K -15K
Zhest Exchequer (Indoinastan) - 126K +3K
Gazprombank (Primorski Krai) - 103K +5K
SpanaBank (El Spana) - 150K +8K
jetBank (The belacian states) - 113K +13K


Xavier Manufacturing (The Rouge Christmas State) - 44K -18K
Urukian Arms Industry (Urukian) - 103K +7K
Soria Co. (Sorianora) - 123K +11K
Aussandries Arms (Aussandries) - 90K +9K
FN (Belned) - 106K +17K
RAPNI (Romaniche) - 142K +26K
Imperial Arms (Puppet scp fuadation) - 88K -15K
The Rifle From The Red (Commie tebit) - 48K -13K
German Austrian Arms Manufacturing (The greater german austrian empire) - 105K +5K
NRAP (Novos romanos) - 109K +8K
The Golden Weapon (The rome empire) - 97K +2K
Pewds Arms (Pewds supporter) - 45K -21K
Vegetarian Light Armaments (Democratic republic of nothingness) - 102K +1K
Rajputana Rifles (Republic of rajputana) - 106K +2K
Carthage and Co (Carthaginian civilization) - 94K +2K
BFP (Belned) - 118K +13K
تصنيع اذرع الشمس (Urukian) - 130K +13K
Mosin and Avtomat Armory (Primorski Krai) - 104K +5K
Guns For Freedom (Legionarya) - 148K +26K
Tengri Seraphim (Khazar lechia) - 78K -9K


Stavanger Space Tech (Urukian) - 113K +9K
Urukian Space Repair Service (Urukian) - 105K +8K
U2 Space (Phoenix city of fire) - 110K +2K
Young Industries Civilian Aeronautics Division (Young industries) - 99K +1K
Tokyo Novum Space Industries (Novos romanos) - 111K +5K


The Rare Old Mountain Dew (Aussandries) - 60K +9K
Roma-Soda (Romaniche) - 93K +24K
Ecchi-Cola (The Strangers Club) - 70K +14K
Par Biir (The belacian states) - 61K +12K


Meninas Capitalistas (Ofiussia) - 28K +3K


Roma-Nike (Romaniche) - 178K +26K
Strange-Mart (The Strangers Club) - 176K +16K
JP Capitalista (Novos romanos) - 141K +5K


Khan’s Milk Farm (Khazar lechia) - 28K -6K
Romanichean Cheese (Romaniche) - 89K +24K
Tillamook Cheese (Isolationstan) - 62K +9K
Transvaal Dairy (Wabobania) - 39K +1K
Raja Panner Curry (Indoinastan) - 60K +4K
Puic Cheese (Carthaginian civilization) - 40K +1K
La Branzika (Legionarya) - 92K +24K


Khan’s Personal Fields (Khazar lechia) - 56K +6K
Faster Growth (Otterse) - 35K -9K
NR Agriculture (Novos romanos) - 62K +4K
Sodrugestvo (Primorski Krai) - 63K +7K


Sun Pharma (Port ashley) - 13K -18K
University Medicine (Hopal) - 64K +2K
G Pharmaceutics SRL (Gavraska) - 66K +9K


Cambium Aerospace and Trucks (Port ashley) - 23K-18K
Bunker-Apparatus (Koedric) - 79K +10K
Imperial Armed Defense (Puppet scp fuadation) - 69K -7K
The Red China Army (Commie tebit) - 33K -12K
Golden Wall (The rome empire) - 78K +2K
UAC (Primorski Krai) - 76K +7K


Scandia Automobiles (Port ashley) - 21K -18K
Satirop (Phoenix city of fire) - 81K +3K
Cars and Stuff (New cica) - 77K +1K
Belton Automotive (Isolationstan) - 86K +3K
Rebirth Motors (Rebirth Island) - 74K +1K
Henry Ford (Legionarya) - 88K +22K


Belac Bíçiclas (The belacian states) - 82K +9K
H Bikes (Hopal) - 61K +2K


Urukian Natural Gas (Urukian) - 112K +23K


Urukian Minerals Production (Urukian) - 207K +26K
Novos Romanos Minerals Ltd (Novos romanos) - 182K +4K
Cratersville Mining Ltd (Isolationstan) - 178K +6K


visitBelac (The belacian states) - 130K +13K
Imagine Indoina (Indoinastan) - 118K +3K
TravelDumb (Dumb country) - 96K


Ugosalinese Casinos (Ugosal) - 116K +4K
Cykas ke liye Kazino (Indoinastan) - 118K +3K
The Rising Sun (The Strangers Club) - 134K +13K


Seter (Moveyrsearlandez) - 76K -8K


Lal Ruby (Indoinastan) - 177K +3K


Chipps Chips (Isolationstan) - 95K +9K


PAWS Trademark Limited (Indoinastan) - 110K +3K


Viking Studios & Dark House Films (El Spana) - 88K +4K
Belac Film Company (The belacian states) - 93K +11K


Romanichean Festives Stock (Romaniche) - 76K +16K


Flex Seal Family of Products (Swiftlandian Peoples Republic) - 206K -3K


River Styx (Draconovox) - 148K +23K
NR Slaves INC (Novos romanos) - 82K +3K


Anime Production Center (Phoenix city of fire) - 78K +4K
Viva Studios (Latiouthel) 73K +4K


The Spaniard Woodstock (El Spana) - 91K +4K


Slagger's (The corporate sectors) - 49K +1K


Workers of the World United (Slavic lechia) - 55K +2K


GMA Network (Latiouthel) - 68K +4K


IEG Company Corp (Latiouthel) - 79K +4K
Nuclearrr INC (Novos romanos) - 87K +4K


Sam’s Sauce (Akumanga) - 43K +6K


Auchan (Primorski Krai) - 81K +5K
Amorix International (Ethics committee of the scpf) - 75K +4K


مذابح الشمس (Urukian) - 73K +14K
श्रेकवादी हिंदू धर्म और संथाल मंदिर of മെമ്മുകളും കമ്യൂണിസവും (Indoinastan) - 68K +3K


Mindon Labs (Mindon) - 78K +2K


MC doNAlds (Japanese ronald mc donald) - 69K +4K


Channel 6 (The belacian states) - 90K +10K


Food Heaven (The belacian states) - 73K +9K


Humans Recycled Co. (Yes humans are recyclable) - 44K +4K


BLC Corporation (Latiouthel) - 83K +5K


The Naliz Corpotarion (The soldrania) - 88K


Virgin Group (A Memer) - 69K

THIS WEEK’S LOSSES: $414 Billion
THIS WEEK’S PROFIT: $345 Billion


Aug 16. Aussandries into Aussandries companies, 1 month

Aug 22. The Strangers Club 2 billion into The Strange Mart, 1 month

Aug 25. Urukian 2 billion into Urukian companies +1 billion to Urukian National Gas and Urukian Minerals Co., 1 month

Aug 25. Draconovox 2 billion into Mecham (Isolationstan), 1 month

Aug 25. Draconovox 2 billion into Rapni (Romaniche), 1 month

Aug 25. Draconovox 2 billion into Tillamook Cheese (Isolationstan), 1 month

Aug 25. Draconovox 2 billion into Romanichean Cheese (Romaniche), 1 month

Aug 25. Draconovox 2 billion into Spanabank (El Spana), 1 month

Aug 26. The belacian states into The belacian states companies, 1 month

Aug 26. Legionarya 10 million into Legionarya companies, 1 month

Aug 26. Hopal 3 billion into University Medicine, 1 month

Aug 26. Gavraska 35K into Pristine Urukian Fishing Co., 1 month

Aug 26. Gavraska 1 billion into Gavraska companies, 1 month

Aug 29. The Strangers Club 500 million into MegaSoft (Plus Nova Imperii), 1 month

Aug 29. The Strangers Club 500 million into Anime Production Center (Phoenix city of fire), 1 month

Aug 29. Koedric into BFP (Belned), 1 month

Aug 29. Akumanga 500 million into Sam’s Sauce, 1 month

Aug 29. Urukian 1 billion into تصنيع اذرع الشمس, 1 month

Aug 29. The belacian states 500 million into Chipps Chips (Isolationstan), 1 month

Aug 30. Gavraska 500 million into Khan’s Personal Fields (Khazar lechia), 1 month

Aug 30. Gavraska 500 million into Golden Wall (The rome empire), 1 month

Aug 30. Gavraska 200 million into La Branzika (Legionarya), 1 month

Aug 30. Aussandries 1 billion+ into visitBelac (The belacian states), 1 month

Sep 7. Legionarya 200 million into Legionarya companies, 1 month

Sep 7. Romaniche 150 billion into Romaniche companies, 1 week

Sep 7. Romaniche 50 billion into Emporious (Novos romanos), FN (Belned), BFP (Belned), NRAP (Novos romanos), Guns for Freedom (Legionarya), JP Capitalista (Novos romanos), La Branzinka (Legionarya), 1 week

Sep 7. Plus Nova Imperii into Plus Nova Imperii companies, 1 week

Sep 7. Plus Nova Imperii into Sorianora companies, 1 week

Sep 7. Sorianora into Sorianora companies, 1 week

Sep 7. Sorianora into Plus Nova Imperii companies, 1 week

Sep 7. Koedric into Bunker Apparatus (Koedric) and FN (Belned), 1 week

Sep 7. The Strangers Club 5 billion into The Strangers Club companies, 1 month

Sep 7. The Strangers Club 2 billion into MegaSoft (Puppet States of Plus Nova Imperii), 1 month

Sep 7. The Strangers Club 2 billion into Anime Production Center (Phoenix city of fire), 1 month


Sep 7. The soldrania 100 million into Bitterlich (Sturengartz), 1 month (IRPSFSM Company Investment) - Company Ceased to Exist, Investment Firm Payed Back With the Company’s Remaining Value (4 Billion)


Pizza: Increases your companies’ investment deadlines by a month | Cost: 10,000 Stock Points | Renewal Cost: 1,500 Points (Must be paid within a month)

Totem of Undying: Restores a company below 3,000 points back to the stock market with an initial value of 5,000 points | Cost: 0 Points, Message or Telegram to Peepeepoopoocaca (No renewal required)

Chaos Emerald: Increases a company’s value by 10% each week | Cost: 25,000 Points | Renewal Cost: 3,000 Points (Must be paid within a week)

Scooby Snack: Gives you 1,000 free karma points every month | Cost: 5,000 Points | Renewal Cost: 1,000 Points (Must be paid within a month)


Draconovox: 15% Shares in Mecham (22K), Rapni (21K), Tillamook Cheese (9K), Romanichean Cheese (14K), and Spanabank (23K)

Sorianora: 10% Share in MegaSoft (23K)

Gavraska: 1% Share in Pristine Fishing Co. (760)

The Strangers Club: 15% Share in MegaSoft (34K), and Anime Production Center (12K)

Koedric: 10% Share in BFP (12K)

Romaniche: 20% Share in BFP (24K), Guns For Freedom (30K), FN (21K), Emporious (28K), NRAP (22K), JP Capitalista (28K), La Brazinka (18K)

The belacian states: 10% Share in Chipps Chips (10K)

Gavraska: 10% Share in Khan’s Personal Fields (6K), and Golden Wall (8K)

Gavraska: 5% Share in La Brazinka (5K)

Aussandries: 15% Share in visitBelac (20K)

Indoinastan: 5% Share in U2 Space (6K), Satirop (4K), and Anime Production Center (4K)

Koedric: 10% Share in FN (11K)


- 10% of jetBank (The belacian states)
- 15% of Par Biir (The belacian states)
- 4% of Belac Film Company (The belacian states)
- 8% of Belac Bíçiclas (The belacian states)


Here’s where companies who’s country owners have ceased to exist go to be hopefully bought by new countries and return to the stock market

- Bing Software National, Info. Tech Company, Former Owner: Of altonianic islands, Value: 369K

- Wooloo, Arms Manufacturing Company, Former Owner: Wooloo-land, Value: 7K

- Ludwig and Beilschmit, Space Company, Former Owner: Gallar, Value: 95K

- Glorious Potatoes Inc., Agriculture Company, Former Owner: Of altonianic islands Value: 75K

- Haberlin, Military Aircraft Company, Former Owner: Sturengartz Value: 58K

- Brausewetter, Natural Gas Company, Former Owner: Sturengartz Value: 40K

- Sturencabel, Telecommunications Company, Former Owner: Sturengartz Value: 60K

- The Golden Hour, Gambling Company, Former Owner: Gallar Value: 108K

- Billy’s Chicken, Poultry Farms Company, Former Owner: Chicknland Value: 60K

The Duke National Bank (The Rouge Christmas State):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Pankki Aussandri (Aussandries):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Sheffield Preudential Bank (Port ashley):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Pan-Caribbean Bank (Port ashley):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Natona Banca de’Belac (The belacian states):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Searland Stock Exchange (Moveyrsearlandez):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Exchequer (Indoinastan):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

Gazprombank (Primorski Krai):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

SpanaBank (El Spana):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

jetBank (The belacian states):

Loans given out to:
Money deposited:
Current credit to loan ratio: 1 credit point for 100 stock points

COMPANY OF THE WEEK: Genos-Aelia company (Romaniche) - 158K
MOST VALUABLE COMPANY: Bing Software National (Of altonianic islands) - 362K

All of these companies are now currently in the Inter Regional Primary Stock and Financial Support Market (IRPSFSM)

- Gòngchǎn Baskets (Commie tebit)


Plus Nova Imperii: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The Rouge Christmas State: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Urukian: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Moveyrsearlandez: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Otterse: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Indoinastan: Karma Multipliter: 1K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Isolationstan: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Mukh: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Novos romanos: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Port ashley: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Arcane the bot: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Edington: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Romaniche: Karma Multipliter: 15K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Callmedaddystratton: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Aussandries: Karma Multipliter: 3K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The belacian states: Karma Multipliter: 1K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Primorski Krai: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Sorianora: Karma Multipliter: 1K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Belned: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Puppet scp fuadation: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Commie tebit: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The greater german austrian empire: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The rome empire: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Pewds supporter: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Democratic republic of nothingness: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Republic of rajputana: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Carthaginian civilization: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Legionarya: Karma Multipliter: 9K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Khazar lechia: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Phoenix city of fire: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Young industries: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The Strangers Club: Karma Multipliter: 8K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Ofiussia: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Wabobania: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Koedric: Karma Multipliter: 1K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
New cica: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Rebirth Island: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Ugosal: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
El Spana: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Swiftlandian Peoples Republic: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Draconovox: Karma Multipliter: 15K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The corporate sectors: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Slavic lechia: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Latiouthel: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Akumanga: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Mindon: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Japanese ronald mc donald: Karma Multipliter: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Hopal: Karma Multiplier: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Gavraska: Karma Multiplier: 6K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Yes humans are recyclable: Karma Multiplier: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Ethics committee of the scpf: Karma Multiplier: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
The soldrania: Karma Multiplier: 1K Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
Dumb country: Karma Multiplier: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None
A Memer: Karma Multiplier: 0 Points, Power Ups: 0, Partnership Bank: None


”why are u gae”

Read dispatch

News from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation:

-Søppelet i havet er en tapt sak

I en ny forskningsartikkel skriver norske forskere at rydding av søppel i havet er bortkasta tid og ressurser. -Søppelet i havet er en tapt sak, det er ingen vits i å rydde det opp, skriver forskerne i artikkelen.

- The rubbish in the sea is a lost cause (but cleaning the beaches helps)

In a new research article, Norwegian researchers write that clearing rubbish in the sea is a waste of time and resources. -The rubbish in the sea is a lost cause, there is no point in cleaning it up, the researchers write in the article.

Lagrodia wrote:Democracy is flawed because, like communism, it isn’t actually possible. There are elements of democracy in most republics (and a few autocracies), but the ideal of “governed by the people” is too nebulous and amathematical to actually exist. Every voting system creates a flaw that leaves another group disenfranchised. But even if there wasn’t one, systems would still be republican and not truly democratic.

Yes, which is why greek philosophers hated democracy as it only hides the true downsides of the system, under a mask of fake freedom.

John Lukacs once said that just as the fact that Americans did, after all, speak English was the defining fact of the 20th century (it brought America into the World Wars) so to the fact that Russians are, after all, European, might be the defining fact of the 21st century. I hope he is right and pray for Russia's conversion and that they will straighten themselves out, otherwise I truly fear what China might be capable of inflicting upon the world.
[Sorry, I'm feeling foreboding having just read some stuff about Xi and his monstrously abusive, modern, barbaric regime; Deo Gratias I live in the United States]

The Gallant Old Republic wrote:John Lukacs once said that just as the fact that Americans did, after all, speak English was the defining fact of the 20th century (it brought America into the World Wars) so to the fact that Russians are, after all, European, might be the defining fact of the 21st century. I hope he is right and pray for Russia's conversion and that they will straighten themselves out, otherwise I truly fear what China might be capable of inflicting upon the world.
[Sorry, I'm feeling foreboding having just read some stuff about Xi and his monstrously abusive, modern, barbaric regime; Deo Gratias I live in the United States]

I think it's many people in the West who are worried about China becoming the new dominant superpower in the world. Where we yet don't know what that will bring in the long run. At least with the United States you know what you will get, when it comes to foreign policy and it is a part of the West, after all, which China is not.

China has a different set of values, that are not necessarily compatible with the Western ones.

I'm glad the Red Fleet's commendation is being repealed. Let me open a nominations thread for the presidential election. This week, I'll try to catch up, and I'll sign any legislation that the Congress might have passed.

Nominations are now open for the September 2020 presidential election:

Somebody propose something ambitious to make Right to Life exciting again.


And I acknowledge that my sporadic activity has been partially -- or even largely -- to blame. I'm overcommitted in real life.

EDIT: I practically live on my computer now, and the recruitment script is always running. It's curious that we haven't been getting as many bites. Two or three nations used to accept our invitations daily. I have two hypotheses: (1) more regions are using recruitment scripts than in the past, or (2) puppet nations are receiving all our telegrams.

On point (2), see the output from earlier tonight:

Telegram queued for womble 8378.
Telegram queued for womble 8380.
Telegram queued for womble 08381.
Telegram queued for womble 8382.
Telegram queued for womble 8384.


Culture of Life wrote:Nominations are now open for the September 2020 presidential election:

Somebody propose something ambitious to make Right to Life exciting again.


And I acknowledge that my sporadic activity has been partially -- or even largely -- to blame. I'm overcommitted in real life.

EDIT: I practically live on my computer now, and the recruitment script is always running. It's curious that we haven't been getting as many bites. Two or three nations used to accept our invitations daily. I have two hypotheses: (1) more regions are using recruitment scripts than in the past, or (2) puppet nations are receiving all our telegrams.

On point (2), see the output from earlier tonight:

Telegram queued for womble 8378.
Telegram queued for womble 8380.
Telegram queued for womble 08381.
Telegram queued for womble 8382.
Telegram queued for womble 8384.


Card farmers have been especially active in making new puppets of late.

Edit: Womble is part of Chicken overlords, a puppet storage region with the express purpose of having the most nations in the world, so they’re founding a lot.

Media: More "Right-wing humor" and fewer Trump jokes on the BBC

There is too much joke about the Conservatives and Donald Trump on the BBC, according to the right wing in England. According to the newspaper The Telegraph, several popular satire programs may be in danger after the channel's new boss has announced changes.

Slavic lechia

Euckadip wrote:Hello.

Hello and welcome to RTL! :)

Horatius Cocles wrote:Hello and welcome to RTL! :)

Thank you!

Norway's longest wreck find just meters from the main power cable

The last of the large German warships from World War II has been found. Luck may have meant that the submarine cables between Norway and Denmark have not hit the cannons on board.

New vaccine with promising test results - still not coming to Norway

The new Russian vaccine Sputnik-V will not be considered for use in this country. Norway's agreement with the EU does not include the new vaccine.

The final sith order

Story of nun who rescued Jewish children during the Holocaust.

The final sith order

«12. . .2,2162,2172,2182,2192,2202,2212,222. . .2,5132,514»
